Grants & funding application process

Learn about the process for applying for funding schemes at VU.

Research Funding application process

  1. Email  [email protected] of your intent to submit a grant at least 14 business days prior to the submission deadline, with a link to the funding scheme.
  2. Download and complete the appropriate cover sheet and costing tool from the VU Research intranet. (VPN access required)
  3. Send the following information to  [email protected]  at least 7 working days before the funding scheme due date:
    • completed coversheet (Research Office will arrange Institute sign-off)
    • completed costing tool
    • stable application draft
    • draft of any required support letters.


After submission

We will then:

  • undertake a compliance check to ensure your grant application complies with the relevant internal and external guidelines
  • arrange signature approval from Executive staff (if required).

Once the Research Office has confirmed approval, Chief Investigators may submit their application directly to the funding body.