New HDR candidate information
This page contains all of the information that you need to get started at Victoria University (VU) as a higher degree research (HDR) candidate.
Follow through each of the steps on this page and you'll be off to a flying start!
Coursework timetable information
All coursework units are delivered in-person at Footscray Park Campus for research period 1, 2025. The census date is an important deadline for each Research Period if you wish to make changes to your enrolment.
Refer to the academic calendar for more information, including study dates (HE standard semesters).
Please select your enrolled degree to see the research period 1, 2025 timetable.
Step 1: Access student tools & IT services
Start your orientation by setting up access to your IT services, VU email account, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and physical spaces.
Step 2: Complete HDR research integrity modules
Before you commence your program, you must undertake two or three self-paced online modules. The modules must be completed before you present for Confirmation of Candidature. You can refer back to them throughout the course of your research degree.
If you have any queries regarding your access to the VU Collaborate space, please contact .
Step 3: Inductions & orientation
All research degrees at Victoria University have compulsory coursework units. Your coursework timetables and information will be emailed to you, once your enrolment has been confirmed.
Step 4: Candidature milestones
Milestones are points during your degree when your progress is reviewed.
Your confirmation of candidature oral presentation is due after you successfully complete the coursework units. You are a provisionally enrolled in the HDR program until your confirmation of candidature is approved.
To schedule your presentation, please liaise with your supervisor/s to choose a date and time. Your principal supervisor is responsible to submit the composition of panel no later than four (4) weeks prior to your presentation date.
You are responsible to submit your application and documentation no later than two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled presentation.
Presentations are held online via Zoom, but if you want to use campus meeting room facilities, your supervisor will need to book a suitable room.
View the guidelines, application forms and other required documents to prepare for your candidature presentation and read the principles for respectful supervisory relationships.
Leave of absence prior to confirmation of candidature will only be considered in exceptional and/or extenuating circumstances. Pre-candidature students may be advised to discontinue and reapply when they can return to studies - refer to HDR Procedure 2 Enrolments.