Financial information & support
Find key information about the financial support, scholarships and loans which may be available to you as a VU student.
Information on this page does not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, financial advice. VU does not offer financial advising services to students. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how this information relates to your unique circumstances.

Government assistance through Centrelink
The Australian Government provides payments to students who are studying, such as Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy etc. All of these payments have eligibility criteria and will require you to apply directly to Services Australia – Centrelink.
Student Welfare can provide guidance on which Centrelink payments you may be eligible for. You can also use Centrelink's Payment and Service Finder to help find what payments you may be eligible for based on your circumstances.
If you are enrolled in a TAFE course at the level of Certificate IV or below, we strongly recommend that you apply for a Low Income Health Care Card. It provides you with access to reduced TAFE Tuition fees. Even if you are not eligible for other student payments, you may still be eligible for a Low-Income Heath Care Card.
We've listed here the student payments available from the Australian Government.
Government & external loans
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
Higher education students may be eligible for a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan from the Australian Government to help pay for the cost of their study now, that they will repay later.
The HELP loan is provided by the Australian Government and needs to be paid back through the Australian tax system once you start earning above the compulsory threshold amount. Your HELP loan will be affected by indexation. Indexation is like interest and will be applied to your HELP loan debts that are older than 11 months on 1 June each year. This means the amount borrowed is likely to grow and students will repay an amount that is more than the original tuition fee.
Find out more about HELP loans
VET Student Loans
Students enrolled in approved higher-level (diploma and above) vocational education and training (VET) courses may be eligible for a VET Student Loan to help pay for the cost of their study now, that they will repay later
A VET Student loan is a loan from the Australian Government you will be required to repay once your income is above the compulsory repayment threshold. Full fee-paying students incur a 20% loan fee which is charged in addition to their tuition fees. VET Student Loans are affected by indexation. Indexation is like interest and will be applied to your loan debts that are older than 11 months on 1 June each year. This means the amount borrowed is likely to grow and students repay an amount that is more than the original tuition fee.
Find out more about VET Student Loans
Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan
An Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (AASL) is an interest free loan to help you purchase trade tools and supplies while being an apprentice. You can borrow up to $25,643 (2024-2025), which is paid in monthly instalments. You can apply for an AASL if you are completing an Australian Apprenticeship in a qualification listed on the Australian Apprenticeship Priority List.
Find out more about Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans
No Interest Loan Scheme
The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) offer loans to people on low incomes. Repayment time frames may be up to 24 months.
Borrow up to $2,000 for essentials such as appliances or furniture, car repairs or rego, a new phone or laptop, medical, dental and vet expenses, or education and employment expenses like fees, uniforms, licenses or equipment.
Borrow up to $3,000 for housing-related expenses such as bond or rent-in-advance, or for recovery from a natural disaster, and rates.
ATO Tax Help Program
Victoria University hosts a free Tax Help Service from July until the end of October, in which a volunteer trained by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) provides one-to-one assistance and support to help students complete their tax return online.
The 2024 Tax Help program has ended. For assistance with tax issues, please visit the VU Tax Clinic.
For the latest information about the Tax Help program, contact the ATO directly on 13 28 61 (or through an interpreter on 13 14 50).
Emergency financial assistance and budgeting guidance
Our Student Welfare team can offer assistance, referrals and advice to help you manage your finances while studying. Student Welfare is unable to provide funds to assist you in paying your course fees.
Services provided by Student Welfare include:
- emergency financial assistance for needs such as groceries, pharmaceuticals, and clothing
- advice about managing your study and living related costs
- advice about utility bills, providers, and Government relief grant schemes
- advice about credit card debts, personal debts, mobile phone plans and fines
- information about Centrelink payments.