School for the Visitor Economy

Start your career in tourism, hospitality & events

Gain the skills and knowledge to develop, operate, manage and market sustainable tourism products, businesses, destinations and impactful events with our nationally-recognised courses.

The School for the Visitor Economy is a cross-university school providing the local and international hospitality, tourism and event management industries with qualified professionals and research.

A chef decorates a beautiful dish with edible flowers

We deliver industry-based programs across all qualification levels, from pre-vocational certificates through to PhDs. We also offer customised accredited training programs designed to meet the specific needs of businesses within the sector. Our courses in hospitality, tourism and event management allow you to build pathways across VU's other offerings related to visitor economy needs, such as food science, transport and logistics, management and marketing, sports management, our prestigious MBA program and many more.

Our courses are informed by key industry partnerships. We work with our many partners to provide you with hands-on experience so you graduate with a professional network and key industry knowledge.

We provide evidence-based research and consulting in tourism under one entity for compelling results and impact. SVE’s multi-disciplinary approach draws on expertise across VU such as:

  • data analytics and machine learning (AI)
  • sports management
  • human resources & supply chain 
  • economics and finance.

Industry connections

We work with a high-level industry advisory panel and industry partners to make sure our training, education and research is closely aligned with industry needs. You will have access to work integrated learning opportunities, which will ensure you gain hands-on professional work experience and graduate job-ready. 

You will join a large network of alumni, industry partners and tourism researchers you can stay connected with after graduation.

Our hospitality students can also access Victoria University's award-winning 150-seat training restaurant, VenU. There, you will be able to practise your skills in a live environment with paying customers.

VU also has strong research capabilities, with the cross-disciplinary expertise to respond to future industry challenges and developments with evidence-based solutions.


The School undertakes and facilitates cross-disciplinary research within the Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities. Our research underpins growth and sustainability in tourism destinations and visitor-economy–related businesses.

Our strong industry links and partnerships allow our researchers to respond nimbly to industry problems and evolving opportunities.

Key current research themes include:

  • tourism and the green economy and planetary health
  • tourism risk and recovery
  • tourism economics
  • tourism marketing
  • wellness tourism
  • events management and evaluation.

School for the Visitor Economy research team

VU Cross disciplinary


Resilient enterprises & sustainable employment in tourism (RESET)

Australia-ASEAN New Normal for the Visitor Economy Supply Chain

Outdoor Education Innovation Hub (OEIH)

Indonesia tourism research project

Socio-economic impacts of small-scale events on community recovery

Programs & other projects

We offer customised accredited training programs designed to meeting the specific needs within the sector.

Work-ready program

VU TAFE offered free (fully subsidised) training to fast-track new workers into entry-level roles in Victoria’s rapidly recovering hospitality and tourism sectors.

Delivered in 2022 with the sector reopening with a strong workforce demand, many businesses reported they were unable to find skilled workers following an exodus of hospitality and tourism staff during COVID-forced business closures. 

Watch the Work Ready Program promotional video on YouTube

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