VU Extra Transcript programs

The VU Extra Transcript is an official document of Victoria University.

It shows your extracurricular and voluntary activity in approved programs undertaken from mid-2017 onwards.

These activities must contribute to University life and the personal and professional development of a student.

The programs appear on your Transcript once the program coordinator confirms that you've completed all requirements.

VU Extra programs are conducted on a volunteer basis. They are separate to your course requirements and assessments.

You must be enrolled at the time you undertake and complete a VU Extra eligible program, or you will not be able to receive a VU Extra Transcript.

Eligible students will be issued with an official VU Extra Transcript upon graduation, free of charge. 

You may also request one at any other time by completing an order form.

For more information refer to the VU Extra Procedure in the Policy Library (login may be required).

Approved programs

Current approved VU Extra programs include:

Clinical legal education programs

Several Clinical legal education programs are approved for inclusion on VU Extra for students not enrolled in the corresponding work integrated learning units:

  • Preparing for Professional Practice in the Legal profession
  • State Trustees Program
  • Victorian Bar Shadowing Program
  • Victoria Legal Aid IVO Program
  • Victoria Legal Aid Infringements Clinic
  • Victoria Legal Aid General Law Clinic
  • Victoria Legal Aid Family Law Clinic
  • Victoria Legal Aid Duty Lawyer Service
  • Victoria Police (Prosecutions Division) Program
  • WEstjustice Sunshine Youth Clinic
  • WEstjustice Economic Vulnerability
  • WEstjustice Employment Clinic
  • WEstjustice Fines Clinic
  • WEstjustice Family Law Violence and Family Law Clinic
  • WEstjustice General Clinic
  • WEstjustice 'Hear Me' Legal Triage Clinic
  • Young Workers Centre Program