What your results mean

The following results codes and grade sets will help you find out what your Victoria University results mean.

Result codes and grades have also been included for institutions that have since merged with Victoria University, including Western Melbourne Institute of TAFE and Footscray Institute of Technology.

The intervals on this page refer to the year that your exams were assessed and graded.

Results will be displayed in MyVU – find dates for result release in our Academic Calendar.

1 January 2020 to present

Graded assessments

HDHigh distinction80-100 %

Pass/fail assessment

SUngraded pass
UUngraded fail

Competency-based assessment

PPAchieved competency
NNCompetency not achieved

Honours years, honours degrees & degrees with honours

H1First class honours80-100 %
H2ASecond class honours, upper70-79%
H2BSecond class honours, lower60-69%
H3Third class honours50-59%
SUngraded pass 

Additional grades

CBCCompetency based completion – pending employer sign-off
CEJoint course/complementary enrolment (result issued by other institution)
ESupplementary examination assessment to be completed*
GAPCurrently competent – gap trained
LNot yet assessed – special cause*
NYCNot yet competent
PCConceded pass
PLPlacement not yet complete**
ROResult outstanding
SPESpecial examination granted***
UMFail – unsatisfactory completion of mandatory component of assessment
WDWithdrew – without academic penalty
WNWithdrew failed
XContinuing unit
XPPPending employer sign-off
PRACPending Prac Place

*E grades and L grades must be converted to a final result within one semester and prior to the commencement of the following academic year, otherwise the assessment automatically lapses to a fail.

**A PL grade must be converted to a final result within one semester/six months and prior to the commencement of the following academic year, otherwise assessment automatically lapses to a fail.

***An SPE grade must be converted to a final result within one semester and prior to the commencement of the following academic year, otherwise the assessment automatically lapses to a fail.

Past results