Physical Education (Primary)

Unit set code: SMIPEP | Study level: Undergraduate | Unit set type: Discipline Minor
In person
Footscray Park


Physical Education (Primary) provides you with knowledge and skills to enable participation and performance in movement and physical activities appropriate for children. You will undertake studies in Human Movement, including growth and movement development and skill acquisition and in skill activity areas including minor and major games, ball handling, fundamental motor skills, and rhythmic and expressive movement. You will develop skills to support movement competence and confidence such as fundamental movement skills, movement strategies, creatively sequencing different movements, and performing more complicated movement patterns as a foundation for lifelong physical activity participation and performance. Movement is central to physical education and you will engage in practical movement activities to support your learning.

Unit set structure

For a minor study students must complete 48 credit points of study comprising:

  • 48 credit points (4) Specialist Area units
What is a unit?

A full course is made up of several smaller topics or subjects. These are referred to as 'units'.
Most courses have compulsory 'core' units, as well as optional units.


'Credit points' are the value that each unit contributes towards your course.
Most units at VU are worth 12 credit points. You will need to complete the required course credit points to graduate.

SPE1000 Movement Skill Acquisition

More units within this unit set

Please note: this minor does not meet the VIT criteria for a Physical Education (Primary) major.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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