The edge in education

The program VU runs for its pre-service teachers is leading the way for other teacher training institutions.
Christopher Mooney
Principal, Point Cook Senior Secondary College
Christopher Mooney, Principal of Point Cook Senior Secondary College believes that VU is ahead of other teacher training institutions in its preparation of pre-service teachers for success as well-rounded educators.
"The program VU runs for its pre-service teachers is leading the way for other teacher training institutions in the development of best practice for teacher training and preparation of teachers for commencing work in schools.
Point Cook Senior Secondary College works in a partnership with VU to offer pre-service teachers a year-long immersion program. We mentor, support and assist them in their growth and development, working in a school environment with other staff and students for a year before they graduate.
We are also able to observe them in a classroom environment for that year and ensure that they have developed the skills required for working with young people, and that they are ready to commence work as teachers."
Industry snapshot
Teacher shortages remain a major obstacle for countries to achieve the goal of universal primary education (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). With the recent national curriculum review, there will be demand for new teachers who have the practical skills needed for modern classrooms.
Graduate success story
Benjamin Foster credits VU’s extensive in-school learning opportunities for landing him a dream job in education.