PLUMLICSS1 Plumbing Licence for Common Units Skill Set

VU course code: PLUMLICSS1 | Level of study: Short course (non-award)
6 months
Face to Face with eLearning


No tuition fees for eligible students

Hannah Wigg


Prepare yourself for a career in plumbing by completing the Plumbing Licence for Common Units Skill Set PLUMLICSS1 course at Victoria University (VU).

This course is designed for registered plumbers looking to extend their technical skills and knowledge. It offers you a pathway to becoming a licensed plumber. 

A licensed plumber is expected to have additional knowledge and experience compared to a plumber who holds registration. To become licensed in a class of plumbing, you must satisfy the requirements for each class you intend to apply for; this includes holding the prescribed units for the licence for which you are applying. 

The units contained in this course make up the common units for licensing in all plumbing classes in Victoria and, as such, are set as the prerequisite for the remaining six plumbing licensing skill sets.

Note: Those seeking licensing with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) should check current licensing requirements with the VBA.

Entry requirements

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee you entry into this course.

Some courses receive more applications than the number of places available. In this situation we will also assess your education, work and other relevant experience.

Entry criteria

Credit & Entry pathways into this course

