Discount on further study

VU alumni can receive a 10% discount on tuition fees for eligible full fee courses. You could build on your studies to progress your career, or follow a new passion.

Alumni includes any individual who has successfully completed an award at Certificate IV or above at Victoria University, and who has applied directly to VU and not via an agent. Full eligibility details are listed on this page.

So why not take advantage and continue your studies at VU!


The Alumni discount applies to commencing:

  • Australian fee paying (postgraduate coursework) students
  • international fee paying students
  • students applying for non-accredited, non-award short courses in Higher Education (HE)
  • students enrolling in single HE units (unless undertaken as part of Commonwealth supported cross-institutional study).

The discount does not apply to students enrolling in:

  • Commonwealth supported (HE) places
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) places (for regulatory reasons)
  • courses offered as a single package (international students)
  • an award course after completion of a standalone ELICOS course (international students)
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) accredited and non-accredited short courses.

The discount cannot be applied in conjunction with other discounts/scholarships. The usual rules about eligibility for admission will apply for all courses.