10 in-demand careers for the future

What's the best career for the future?

While there is no single best career for the future, there are many deciding factors in figuring out how you want to spend your working life. You may be motivated by earning potential or by finding a job that complements your skill set.

With the job market rapidly changing due to technological advances and the knock-on effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be curious about the latest predictions for reliable future careers.

As our economy changes, so too do the skills and jobs in demand for the workforce.

It is also important to look at future trends and in-demand jobs when deciding what to study or considering a career change.

At Victoria University (VU), we set you up for your future career with a range of courses that you can study at TAFE, degree or postgraduate level.

We’re also ranked number one for professional skills^ and are in the top 3% of universities in the world.

Read on to discover the best careers for the future in Australia, and why you should consider studying at VU.


Students deciding on best future career.

1. Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the fastest growing sectors in Australia, with a predicted future growth of 14.2%.

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the importance of workers in these fields, with doctors, nurses, psychologists, and other health professionals in high demand.

While some traditional jobs throughout Australia are at risk due to automation, the empathy, skills and knowledge that registered nurses and professional healthcare workers bring to patients cannot be replaced.

Along with this, life expectancy in Australia is growing. The older generation (those aged 65 and over) is expected to more than double by 2057. This will increase the demand for skilled physical therapists, which is already growing due to our sedentary lifestyles.     

VU offers a range of courses, which cover many disciplines within the healthcare sector, such as:

  • midwifery
  • psychology
  • paramedicine
  • osteopathy
  • physiotherapy
  • nutrition
  • speech pathology
  • social work.

Employment in the healthcare sector is not only rewarding – it offers one of the best careers for the future. Read more about the 6 most in-demand jobs in mental health.

2. Construction

The construction industry has seen steady growth over the last 20 years, with Labour Market Insights (LMI) predicting a 6.8% growth by 2025.

Due to the current demand for better infrastructure and housing across Australia, the construction industry is urgently seeking skilled workers.

VU graduates find jobs in a range of industries, including:

  • bricklaying
  • building and construction
  • electrical
  • engineering
  • plumbing
  • surveying
  • welding.

3. Education & training

Did you know that education is Australia’s third biggest export? There’s a high demand for teachers across all age ranges, from early childhood to tertiary education.

Increasingly, teaching is a job that can be done from just about anywhere, as the rise in online learning during COVID-19 demonstrated.

A qualification in education can lead to a career in:

  • early childhood
  • primary school teaching
  • high school teaching
  • university, as lecturers and tutors.

4. App & software development

Innovative companies are becoming more adept at meeting the needs of consumers and providing a good customer experience, through the development of their own apps.

This has increased the demand for professional who are skilled in application development frameworks such as Angular JS, PHP, Java and Node.

Students looking for a well-paid career choice for the future can choose to study IT at VU. Our courses give you the chance to upskill in:

  • object-oriented programming
  • software engineering
  • web programming
  • mobile app programming.

Graduates find jobs such as:

  • application programmers
  • software engineers
  • front-end developers
  • web designers
  • web masters.
Designers developing a UX app, an in demand career for the future.

5. Data analysis

As technology rapidly evolves, the amount of electronic data collected every second increases.

Consequently, there is great demand for skilled professionals who can make sense of this colossal amount of data to solve real-world problems and create actionable insights for business.

Begin a career perfectly aligned with industry demand, as a:

  • data scientist
  • market research analyst
  • business analyst
  • business intelligence (BI) specialist
  • machine learning engineer
  • machine learning scientist
  • virtual environment manager
  • collective intelligence officer.

Get qualified at VU with a Bachelor of Data Science or Master of Business Analytics. Students graduate with in-depth knowledge of numerous marketable technologies.

6. Cyber security

As many aspects of our lives rapidly move online, there is growing concern regarding the safety of personal data.

Cloud services and storage can leave valuable data vulnerable to hackers and industrial spies.

Skilled experts in cyber security are in high demand, for roles that ensure personal and company data is protected.

The cyber security industry is expected to grow by 12 per cent through to 2027 and offers jobs with competitive salaries, making this an excellent career choice in Australia and around the world.

VU offers a range of courses in cyber security, from short courses and graduate certificates to a Bachelor of Cyber Security.

Graduates go on to become:

  • cyber security specialists
  • cyber security analysts
  • cyber security consultants
  • cloud security engineers
  • network security engineers
  • mobile and web applications developers.

7. E-commerce

Our expanding online presence has led to changes in the way we traditionally do things – including how we shop.

E-commerce sales and revenue have been growing year-on-year for over a decade. As emerging markets gain access to the internet, they are expected to grow further.

This diverse industry is on the search for skilled graduates who are looking to excel in the constantly changing global business workforce.

Students undertaking a Bachelor of Business at VU can pick from 11 relevant areas to specialise in, including Supply Chain and Logistics Management. This major allows graduates to pursue a career as a:

  • supply chain assistant
  • warehouse team lead
  • online specialist
  • e-commerce coordinator specialists.

8. Product design

Many traditional roles are predicted to become automated in the future. Yet there are certain skills that machines don’t and may never possess – such as creativity.

Growth in technologies increases the demand for creative minds, to design products for businesses and consumers.

These can include:

  • wearable technologies
  • cars
  • manufactured goods.

At VU, we offer courses in web and mobile application, at TAFE, undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Jobs are available in a realm range of industries for production designers, from online companies to more traditional roles in theatre, television and film production. A Bachelor of Screen Media at VU will help you develop the skills necessary to excel in these industries.

9. Digital & content marketing

Get a kick out of crafting the perfect sentence? Got a good head for tech?

You could excel as a digital marketer.

Digitalisation has forced many companies, businesses and individuals online, where they now compete both nationally and internationally for attention.

This increases the demand for digital and content marketing specialists, who can use their unique skillset to connect brands with consumers.

Employers are looking for professionals who can produce high quality online content, drive traffic and create a good customer journey.

At VU, you can undertake a graduate diploma, graduate certificate or Master of Digital Media or Marketing, where you’ll develop skills in:

  • user experience (UX) design
  • search engine optimisation
  • content production & strategy
  • visualisations of data
  • social network and web analytics.

Graduates commence work as:

  • content managers
  • content strategists
  • SEO and SEM specialists
  • UX (user experience) designers
  • cross-media practitioners.
Coffee cup and tablet with Digital Marketing information written upon it.

10. Alternative energy sector

The advent of climate change will require us to leave traditional forms of energy production behind, as we make the transition to renewable sources.

Highly specialised professionals will be required to develop the technologies to make this switch, which is why a job in the alternative energy sector is one of the best careers for the future in Australia.

We are one of the world’s most suitable countries for renewable energy, due to our wind resources and the high annual hours of sun.

The Australian Government has already made substantial investments into renewable energies, which they plan on increasing.

This would lead into a huge rise in high-paying jobs in this industry, over the next decade and into the future.

Get ahead of the curve with a qualification in engineering. VU offer a range of courses, to get you started.

Read more about the top four industries for employment growth.

Transferable skills

A ‘job for life’ is something Australian workers just don’t seem to want anymore. But even if you did want to stay in the same role, it would be an unlikely possibility – the digital age has transformed the job market forever.

These days, an average Australian worker will change employers three times every ten years. This means you could experience five different careers in a lifetime!

Changing roles could be triggered in numerous ways, for numerous reasons – a need for change or desire to retrain. There is also a risk that, as technology advances, your job could become obsolete.

So how do you prepare for a job market that is constantly in a state of flux?

The best solution is to build upon your transferable skills.

These abilities aren’t purely technical, or specific to a particular type of job or career. Rather, they are skills that your future employers are looking for and are in high demand, such as:

  • communication skills: listening, public speaking, confidence to perform in the real world
  • collaboration skills: networking, teamwork, compromise, diplomacy
  • agility and flexibility to adapt to changing landscapes
  • analytical skills: problem solving and critical thinking
  • leadership abilities: motivating and directing
  • information-management skills: knowledge of relevant computer software and research.

While employers increasingly want people who possess these skills, they are finding that job-seeking graduates do not have them. Consider broadening your skillset by studying a microcredential course at VU.

VU’s award-winning Block Model is designed to enhance students’ skills on a scale never seen before in Australia; the learning model fully develops transferable skills in its graduates.

Through hands-on, problem-based, work-integrated learning, as well as smaller class sizes and greater opportunities for collaboration, students receive opportunities to hone their transferable skills and get the edge employers are looking for.

Through this, you’ll gain the confidence and the in-demand skills to begin the career – or careers – of a lifetime.

Which career path will you choose?

There are many factors that will influence what you ultimately decide to do for work. While you may begin your career in one industry, a change in the market or your own personal circumstances could see you refocusing or even switching careers in the future.

Take inspiration of these growing industries to expand your skill set and pick the best career path for you.

How do I choose an industry/career for the future?

Looking to change careers or not sure what to study?

You can check the skill shortage list, which is put together by the Australian Government and updated annually. You may find this list helpful if you’re an international student wanting to study or work in Australia.

View VU’s full list of courses by interest area to find the perfect course for your future career.

Are studies in these career fields funded by the Australian government?

You can get the skills you need for jobs that are in-demand by Victorian employers.

 Find out more about government funded free TAFE courses.

How competitive are these industries?

Some of these industries are in great need of qualified workers, due to skillshortage or rapid growth.

Regardless, there are ways you can have an edge over other potential candidates, through:

Are these industries for the future paying well?

You can search industry profiles on LMI, to gain an estimate of future growth and average weekly earnings.

Students throwing graduation hats into the air.

Who do I talk to if I’m not sure which course to study?

Need help deciding what to study at VU?

Contact us for personalised advice on all your study options: