Welcome to VU Library

Check library opening hours including evenings and weekends, and access our online library for resources, training and support.
Tuesday 30 July 2024

For your studies, visit campus libraries for study facilities and access the library online for resources, training and support.

Visit campus libraries for access to friendly help at the service desk, Wi-Fi, PCs, printers, study spaces, group study room and library accessibility services. Some campus libraries buildings are open in the evenings and weekends. Check opening hours.

Ask the library

We are available to help you find the library resource or service for your studies. 

Access Ask the Library (LibChat) for real-time chat with friendly library staff via:

  • library website – click the tab ‘Get Help’ to access Ask the Library
  • search library – when you get the list of results from your search, click on the ‘Chat icon’ appearing at the bottom right of the screen to start the chat.
  • VU Collaborate – within your unit of study, look for Ask a Librarian and click Chat.
  • VU App – go to Library and click LibChat to start the chat.

When Chat is offline, check Library FAQs. If you can’t find an answer, submit your question.

You can also email  [email protected] or call +61 3 9919 4266.

Library resources

While most of your essential learning materials will be embedded in the unit space on VU Collaborate, access library guides, apps and tool to support your studies:

  • VU Library Start-Search the Library on how to use the search tools on the library website, use keywords to search, and use the Library search box
  • Library guides: library course guides, researcher guides, ‘how to guides’ and referencing guides 
  • VU Library Apps to download so you can read, listen or view library resources from your phone or tablet
  • referencing tool VU EasyRef to acknowledge the work of other people and avoid plagiarism.

When off-campus, log in with your MyVU username and password to view full-text library resources.

Library training & support

Log in to Library Hub to access online workshops and drop-ins.

Good luck with your studies.

Contact us