Research student fees
The fees for Higher Degrees by Research vary based on your program of study and whether you are a domestic or international student.
We have several options to assist you in meeting some, or all, of the cost of your study.
Research tuition fees
Tuition fees for domestic full fee-paying students and international students will vary, depending on the research area.
To calculate the tuition fee rate, please refer to our research unit fees document.
Example fee calculation
You are enrolled in 20 days full-time study in a 6-month enrolment period and the annual equivalent course fee for your research thesis unit is $31,990.00.
$31,990.00 divided by 365 days in a year = $87.64 per day.
$87.64 multiplied by 20 days of enrolment = $1,752.80.
Getting help with your fees
Eligible students enrolled in a full-fee paying place may be able to get help paying their fees through the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), administered by the government.
FEE-HELP is a loan scheme to help eligible domestic full-fee paying students pay for all or part of their tuition. It can't be used for additional study costs such as accommodation or text books.
This scheme is available for students in Year 1 of the PhD (Integrated) and any other graduate research student not covered by the Research Training Program (RTP).