VU ranked 55 in Asia Pacific

Victoria University has debuted number 55 in the inaugural Times Higher Education Asia-Pacific University Rankings (2017), placing it among the best universities in the region.
Ranked out of 243 universities, this places Victoria University firmly in the top 25%.
The ranking is a list of the best universities in the Asia-Pacific region. It is the only international performance ranking to evaluate universities across their core missions of: teaching, research, industry income, international outlook and citations.
The rankings also draw on Victoria University’s ability to:
- attract undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty from all around the world
- share new knowledge and ideas on a global scale
- publish work cited by scholars globally
- help industry with innovations, inventions and consultancy.
"These new rankings confirm our reputation as an open, excellent and internationally engaged university, with a strong history and first-rate reputation, here and abroad.
The Times Higher Education Asia-Pacific Rankings are another key indicator of our progress and position, and we’re a delighted to receive the honour,” said Professor Peter Dawkins AO, Vice-Chancellor and President, Victoria University.
Victoria University is also ranked in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-17 top 2% (400) of universities worldwide, and 56 in the Times Higher Education: Young Universities Rankings of the world’s top 200 universities aged under 50.
“Times Higher Education Asia-Pacific Rankings University Rankings represents the best 243 institutions and provides a picture of the countries and universities that are set to become world-leading higher education players over the coming years.
There is no doubt that several of these will be within the Asia-Pacific region, which is proving itself, to be a dynamic, diverse and competitive player, “said Phil Baty, Editorial Director, Global Rankings, Times Higher Education.
As the premier university in Melbourne’s West, Victoria University delivers and develops strategies designed to consolidate and focus its research and research training to ensure it maintains international excellence across its leading research fields.