Engineering a career in motorsport

I joined the Victoria University Motorsport team, which has been great for my hands-on experience while learning different aspects of the race cars.
Benjamin Stefani
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dreaming of a future career in motorsports, Benjamin Stefani enrolled in a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Now in his fourth year, Ben is working at Toyota; and, as part of the VU Motorsport team, has contributed to building a competition-ready race car, ‘Abi,’ with a full aerodynamics package.
Ben shares his VU journey so far, and how the VU Block Model has helped him get closer to his goals.
“I did a full-time advanced diploma during my gap year where I got first-hand experience on machinery like lathes and drilling presses, while also doing [other classes like] mathematics. Once completed, I knew I would go to university in Melbourne to study Mechanical Engineering.
“I chose to study at Victoria University because I liked the way the university allowed students to study one subject a month, which allows me to focus on one aspect of my course without being bombarded with other subjects.”
Hands-on learning to accelerate skills
“I was lucky enough to get a job at Toyota in my first year, and after a couple of years of studying I’ve become more confident in figuring out engineering problems because of the classes.
“I joined the Victoria University Motorsport Team, which has been great for my hands-on experience while learning different aspects of the race cars. As a member of the team, I have been using computer software like SolidWorks and Inspire and this has significantly enhanced my design skills.
“Working with the student-led team has also improved my communication and time management skills, which is important and will assist me in my career once I graduate.”
How the VU Block Model helps
“A key benefit of the VU Block Model is how easy it is to get in contact with teachers.
“When I’m stuck on a problem, because of the small class numbers – they’re available. I think that without the VU Block Model, I wouldn’t have developed the skills that I have.
Focusing on one subject at a time allows me to also learn other things, spend time working with the motorsport team, and enjoy other hobbies.”
Interested in a career in engineering?
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