An ethical approach to the Law

During my studies I gained experience at both Holden and BMW, giving me the edge over other candidates. As a business lawyer, justice means everything to me. In justice, everyone is equal.
Lewis Truong
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business
VU Law/Business alum Lewis Truong follows his legal dreams around the world, but he never leaves home without his most important assets: pride in where he came from and an unwavering sense of justice.
"VU's Law School in the centre of Melbourne’s legal precinct was an inspiring place to learn. The competitive, yet supportive learning environment prepared me for the commercial world, and I became the founder of the first VU Law student society (now the Dictum Society).
During my final year of my combined Law and Business degree, I took the opportunity to work with Holden through the VU Business School’s co-operative learning program.
I gained experience at both Holden and BMW, in various marketing and finance departments, all before I graduated, giving me the edge over other candidates.
After graduation, I worked at PwC Legal then IBM for four years in Vietnam. I received IBM’s Global Corporate Award for my initiatives to sponsor and support IBM’s collaboration with an NGO – ‘Bridges Across Borders’ Southeast Asia Clinical Legal Education.
I then became Asia-Pacific lead counsel for Syngenta AG – globally the largest agri-chemical and biotech company – before joining Mundipharma, a pharmaceutical company, where I led teams and designed policies.
I was headhunted by Baxter Healthcare to head the Asia-Pacific Ethics & Compliance department, based in Singapore. Recently, I travelled to India to launch one of Baxter’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs: an initiative that provides ongoing clean water to local villages around our plant.
Justice means everything to me. In justice, everyone is equal and has the right to present their perspective and get the same opportunities.
As lawyers, we’re faced with tough decisions and ethical dilemmas throughout our careers. These situations define you, and it is in those moments you will have the opportunity to shine."
Want to find out more?
Lewis studied Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business.
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