CUFE-VU Centre for Research on Business & Economics (CRBE)
The Centre for Research on Business and Economics (CRBE) aims to promote collaborative research between Victoria University and the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Beijing.
The CUFE–VU CRBE focuses on research and research training in:
- energy and environmental economics
- economics of trade and tourism
- public finance and public policy management
- international financial reporting standards
- social welfare and social security
- health and sport economics.

Mission & aims of the Centre
The mission of CUFE-VU Centre for Research on Business and Economics (CRBE) is to become a world-class research and research training centre focusing on business and economics.
The Centre for Research on Business and Economics (CRBE) was established in 2017 to consolidate the relationship between the Central University of Finance and Economics (China) and Victoria University and to provide directions for future research collaboration.
The Centre aims to:
- promote collaborative research between the two universities
- facilitate academic interaction through joint research projects and conferences
- facilitate graduate research student interaction between the two institutions.
About CUFE
CUFE has been earmarked as one of the top 100 universities to which the Chinese Government has attached top priority for the 21st Century. It’s also a pilot university for developing the national innovation platform under the guidance of China’s Ministry of Education.
In Beijing, the joint CUFE-VU Research Centre is located at the Xueyuan South College Campus, Beijing.
In Melbourne, the joint Centre is located in the Victoria University Business School at the City Campus.
Visiting Fellows
Every year the Centre invites a number of visiting Fellows to each campus for conducting and publishing research in the key areas of interest.
Each visiting Fellow will spend up to 12 weeks at the CRBE to conduct research seminars and workshops and submit research output for publication by the CRBE.
CUFE-VU Joint CBRE Conference
The annual CUFE-VU Joint CRBE Conference was held at Victoria University Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia, on 8-9 July 2020.
The conference themes were:
- energy economics
- tourism
- climate change
- water policy.
Program & speakers
The keynote address for the conference was delivered by Professor Ross Garnaut, Professorial Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Melbourne. Professor Garnaut's expertise in international economics, public finance and economic development, particularly in relation to East Asia and the Southwest Pacific, is widely known.
Download the full CUFE-VU Joint CRBE conference program (PDF, 685.74 KB).
If you’re interested in being part of the Centre or learning more about what they do, please get in contact with one of the co-directors: