Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Sport and exercise psychology
  • Coaching
  • Inclusion and diversity

Available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

About Janet Young

Janet has an avid interest in sport having been a professional tennis player and Australian representative. Her involvement in tennis has included working for the Women’s Tennis Association and Tennis Australia.

Currently Janet is a Director of the Evonne Goolagong Foundation and is an Ambassador for Blind Sports Victoria (tennis program). She has received the following awards and honours:

  • Tennis Australia and International Tennis Federation Hall of Fame Award – for services to Australian tennis
  • International Tennis Federation Fed Cup Champion Award – for performances and services to the Fed Cup competition (top international teams event for women)
  • Australian University Sports Honour Roll Inductee as an Australian Champion – in recognition for performances at international sports competitions for universities.  


  • PhD, Monash University, Australia, 1999
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Monash University, 1994
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne, 1972

Key publications

Year Citation
2021 Young, J., Grant, M., & Hanlon, C. (211201). Transforming the experiential learning of sport management undergraduates into employable signals during job recruitment and selection SMAANZ.
2021 Young, J., & Konjarski, L. (211106). Reflections on Coaching Children with an Intellectual Disability ITF.
2021 Young, J., & Konjarski, L. (210331). Schools and Universities as partners to authentic learning experiences Peak Physical Education.

Year Citation
2024 Grant, M. T., Hanlon, C., & Young, J. A. (240101). Transforming the experiential learning of sport management graduates into transferable employability signals. Journal of Education and Work, 37(1-4), (131-148).

doi: 10.1080/13639080.2024.2335474

2023 Young, J., & Pearce, A. J. (231006). A review of Cliff Richey s book, Your playbook to beating depression. Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis, 28(1), (12-13).
2023 Grant, M. T., Hanlon, C., & Young, J. A. (230801). An employable graduate: Essential awareness factors to the preparation of sport management practical experiences. Industry and Higher Education, 37(4), (574-586).

doi: 10.1177/09504222221147129

2021 Young, J., & Pearce, A. J. (211002). Salute to a Legend s First Coach. Journal of COACHING & SPORT SCIENCE REVIEW, (4-6).
2021 Young, J. (210430). Match-fixing threats: Effective responses of coaches. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 83 (4-6).
2021 . (210101). The times are they a-changing? Evolving attitudes in Australian exercise science students attitudes towards sports concussion. The Journal of Sport and Exercise Science, 5(4),

doi: 10.36905/jses.2021.04.02

2020 Young, J. (201231). Pearls of Wisdom from Rod Laver, AC, MBE. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 82 (17-17).

Research funding for the past 5 years

Please note:

  • Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
  • Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
  • The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.

The Move, Eat, Breath and Sleep Project
From: Sano Health Pty Ltd
Other investigators: Aspr Daryl Marchant
For period: 2017-2018
Not disclosed

Supervision of research students at VU

Available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

Completed supervision of research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
2 PhD Associate supervisor
1 Doctor of Education Associate supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

Students & level Role
PhD (2) Associate supervisor
Doctor of Education (1) Associate supervisor

Teaching activities & experience

Janet is currently Unit Convenor, Key Academic, Academic and Teaching and Research for:

Academic Teaching Research for:

Key academic roles

Dates Role Department / Organisation
Jan 2005 - Present
Senior Lecturer
Victoria University
Jan 2000 - Dec 2005
Head of Women's Tennis
Tennis Australia
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Jan 2005 -
Senior Lecturer
Victoria University
Jan 2000 -
Dec 2005
Head of Women's Tennis
Tennis Australia

Key industry, community & government roles

Dates Role Department/Organisation
Jan 2013 - Dec 2019
The Evonne Goolagong Foundation
Jan 2014 - Dec 2019
Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Jan 2013 - Dec 2019
The Evonne Goolagong Foundation
Jan 2014 - Dec 2019
Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria


Year Award

Vice-Chancellor's Citation for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (Programs that Enhance Learning) - Victoria University


Australian Academy of Tennis Coaches Lifetime Achievement Award - Australian Academy of Tennis Coaches


International Tennis Federation Fed Cup Champion Award - International Tennis Federation


Excellence in the Integration of Teaching & Research Award - Victoria University

Show more awards

Professional memberships

  • Exercise and Sport Psychologist, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Lifelong Fellow, Australian Psychological Society College of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Fellow, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors