VU in Hume
VU and Hume City Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in July 2020, which will see $2.7M injected into Hume City over five years.
As a result of this partnership, we are a proud sponsor of the Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury, and an active member of the Hume Multiversity.
About the partnership
Since the launch of the partnership, Victoria University in the Community (VUiC) are working in partnership with Hume City Council to increase educational participation and attainment and contribute to community and economic development.
The partnership aims to make tertiary education and training opportunities more accessible to Hume residents by responding to the needs of the community and workforce.
This partnership has several different areas of focus, including:
- increased access to jobs, skills and education pathways for local people, particularly young people and migrant communities
- our place-based research positively impacting community wellbeing
- a sustainable Hume Multiversity, providing educational access and opportunity in local settings, such as the Hume Global Learning Centres.
Hume Global Learning Centre
The Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury opened in early 2020, with VU’s contribution enhancing the functionality of the space with cutting edge technology. From this facility, the community can access:
- library services
- conference and meeting rooms
- an art gallery
- a business hub
- training spaces.
The Skills and Jobs Centre are operating a monthly drop-in session from the Sunbury GLC, which supports Sunbury locals in their study and employment pathways planning and development of their employability skills.

What we're doing in Hume
VU and Hume have been delivering on a number of joint objectives, including working collaboratively on projects, supporting workforce development needs for local businesses, and increasing access to jobs, skills and education pathways for young people and migrant communities.
The Sunbury Global Learning Centre, which we have provided $1.3M in contributions, is now a busy hub for learning and entrepreneurship, and home to the Hume Multiversity. A specially-equipped Multiversity Room delivers a range of innovative program and activities at the Centre, promoting partnerships between business, education and community.
Furthermore the collaboration has delivered:
- series of Skills and Careers: Your Way Programs
- research showcases
- Hume Pathways Festival
- Collaborate to Thrive project
- Hume Early Childhood Education Upskill
- Hume Multiversity Scholarships
Hume City Council Manager of Economic Development, George Osborne, recognised our unique offering to the partnership and Multiversity.
VU’s ongoing and sustained commitment to the Hume community through the provision of programs and services through VU in community stands out. Also, being a dual sector education provider provides increased opportunity and flexibility in terms of educational pathways, and the VU Block Model of delivery makes courses more accessible to our diverse Hume community.

Hume Multiversity Scholarships
As a member of the Hume Multiversity, we distribute funds allocated by Hume City Council to Hume residents who are upskilling in areas of workforce need. Current recipients of the scholarships are studying a range of courses that will contribute to meeting workforce demands in Hume, including in disciplines such as Early Childhood Education, Community Services, and Building Design.