Goal 6: Clean water & sanitation

Sustainable management of water is a major focus for Victoria University. We strive to improve water quality, develop effective wastewater treatment and increase water-use efficiency through research, teaching, and university infrastructure.

We undertake applied research in drinking water, wastewater, recycled water, stormwater and industrial water applications, providing solutions for industry and communities.

Our on-campus pool includes rainwater harvesting and backwash treatment, which saves approximately 2 million litres of water annually.

Billions of people still lack access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, despite improvement in the provision of these basic services. Water scarcity is a growing problem in many parts of the world, and conflicts and climate change are exacerbating the issue.

– United Nations

Research, engagement & education 2020-21

Australia is the driest populated continent in the world. The work of VU’s water researchers in Australia and the Asia-Pacific area is critical to securing the future of regional populations and agriculture in the face of increasingly volatile water resources due to climate change.

Our water research and on-campus activities engage industry, other universities and school groups in our local area. Greater Western Water is a close industry partner working with our engineering researchers and teachers to solve water security issues for the west of Melbourne and to train the next generation of water engineers.

Sustainability on campus

Water conservation on campus: 2021 Water Reuse and Harvesting 1495 (kl) out of 73,906 (kl) consumption total = 2.0%