Goal 2: Zero hunger

Victoria University, we work to eliminate hunger through food-resource research, public-health curriculum, and student support.

Our Advance Food Systems research group focuses on sustainable food production, while our health and policy research addresses inequalities, nutrition and body-image issues as causes of hunger.

Our partnerships with SecondBite provides students with free, healthy meals. We also offer scholarships and funds designed to support students with the cost of living.

With more than a quarter of a billion people potentially at the brink of starvation, swift action needs to be taken to provide food and humanitarian relief to the most at-risk regions.

– United Nations

Research, engagement & education 2020-21

Our research examines plant diversity and the effects of diet on human health, as part of a broader program of food-system research.

We engage with community groups, including local schools, and collaborate with international research bodies to investigate food-related hypotheses.

And VU’s nutrition courses address the need to improve diet-related health, in partnership with local community programs.

Sustainability on campus

In 2021, we partnered with not-for-profit organisation SecondBite to provide students with free, healthy frozen meals to eat at home. And our ongoing support funds and scholarships help our students with day-to-day food costs.