What the VU Block Model® means for the future of education
In 2018 Victoria University revolutionised tertiary education in Australia. And it’s clear things will never be the same.
In fact, Tim Dodd from The Australian has called the VU Block Model®:
"The most radical and comprehensive change any university in Australia has made in living memory to the way it teaches students."
But has it all been worth it? The results speak for themselves.

What are the results?
Improved grades
Grades have improved dramatically under the VU Block Model®, with the highest rate of increase seen in distinctions and high distinctions, from 35% in 2017 to over 48.9% in 2018.
The overall pass rate for first years has jumped 7.9 percentage points to 83.9% in 2018, with the same assessments.
Consistently achieving high distinctions, Osteopathy student Ethan Ellul knows he’ll continue to get results thanks to the VU Block Model®:
“The VU Block Model® has a more-manageable workload, which has made it easier to keep up. I’m proud of my results so far, and I’m confident I’ll be able to continue my success with the VU Block Model®,” he says.
Student satisfaction & retention
Strong student retention rates (88%) combined with high satisfaction rates (82%) demonstrate students’ love of the VU Block Model® experience.
Along with the single-unit study mode, the VU Block Model® features smaller classes – meaning more opportunity to make friends and increased one-on-one time with lecturers. The timetable of three-hour workshops, three times a week is critical for students to achieve balance, and continue working while pursuing outside interests.
Student support leads to extension of VU Block Model®
Following an overwhelming show of support, VU will continue reinventing tertiary education in Australia by extending the block mode of teaching across all undergraduate and postgraduate courses by 2020. In a survey of over 1000 VU Block Model® students, nearly three-quarters expressed their support for extending it.
The block mode of teaching has been extended to second-year subjects in 2019, and will continue to third- and fourth-year subjects in 2020.
Results that get attention
We have earned significant recognition for our transformative teaching methods, including two higher-education awards:
- 'Excellence in International Education - University' category in the Victorian International Education Awards
- 'Innovation' category of the International Education Association of Australia awards
- Desire 2 Learn 2019 D2L Excellence Award.
The Australian media continues to praise VU for the successful implementation of our huge transformation.
"Every university should be looking to Victoria University’s ambitious, and so far very successful, shift to block-mode teaching as an instructive case study in how to carry out reform in higher education."
Tim Dodd, The Australian.

Want to know more about VU's new way of learning?
Under the VU Block Model®, students complete their course via block delivery: one unit at a time over four weeks as opposed to four units at once over a 16-week semester. And with a focus on hands-on learning and gaining skills for the workforce, this learning experience sets VU students apart by graduating them with the practical, real-world skills they need.
While it is an Australian-first exclusive to VU, the block mode of teaching has been proven internationally in progressive educational institutions in places such as Sweden, Canada and the US.