Summer Gap program seeks more young people

Victoria University is looking for young people to evaluate a program for people who have recently completed Year 12 who are unsure what happens next in their lives.
Friday 20 May 2022

Victoria University is looking for young people to evaluate a program for those who have recently completed Year 12 who are unsure what happens next in their lives.

Finishing high school is among the biggest transitions for a young person. Many are uncertain whether to go on to further study, get a job, go travelling, or just take a break to think, said Dr Claire Brown, manager of the Summer Gap project.

“We want to give young people who finish Year 12 without an idea of what they want to do a way of figuring it out.

"Realising what direction they want to take in their life can be scary once they leave the protection of school and no one is telling them what to do or how to make decisions.”

VU researchers have already started working with other young people to co-design the post-secondary learning and connection project, which includes exploring motivation, discovering pathways to reach a dream future, or uncovering personal passions.

With the support of program partner, the Hellenic Museum, the project has a special emphasis on the importance of discovering one’s personal identity.

The team is looking for young people aged 17-20 to participate for a few hours on Friday mornings for seven weeks from 27 May to 22 July. They will help evaluate and fine-tune the next stage of the project, named 'Becoming You'.

To say thanks, participants will receive a $250 gift card.

For more information about participating, email [email protected]

The Summer Gap program is part of the Education Hub – a VU RISE (Recover, Innovate, Sustain & Evolve) project funded by the State Government, and managed through AVID Australia, a non-profit whole-school improvement system under the directorship of Dr Claire Brown.

Contact us

Amy Howard

Project Officer, VU Rise Summer Gap Program

[email protected]