Academy launched to assist education providers worldwide to implement VU Block Model

Victoria University (VU) has launched the VU Block Model Academy – an initiative that will equip education institutions globally with the tools to implement the VU Block Model®, as well as conduct research evaluation and teacher training.
The Academy – VU’s latest innovation in tertiary education – was launched today at the International Block Intensive Learning and Teaching Association (IBILTA) Conference held at VU’s City Campus.
The VU Block Model and First Year College® are an evidence-based teaching and learning model established in 2018 – the first of its kind in Australia. Unlike traditional semester delivery, where students juggle multiple subjects concurrently, the VU Block Model allows students to focus on one subject at a time over four-week blocks.
Taught by a multidisciplinary team of specialist educators, the First Year College offers a learning experience designed specifically for first-year students, which sets them up for success by giving them the skills, confidence and knowledge to understand what it means to be at university.
Since implementation, research has shown VU students are more engaged and satisfied and have seen significant improvements in academic performance. The VU Block Model is particularly successful for students from equity cohorts (English as second language, first-in-family, disability, low socioeconomic status, regional, remote and First Nation Peoples).
Victoria University Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer, Professor John Germov said it was a radical transformation that included a whole-of-university overhaul of VU’s courses, systems, policies and processes.
“It was not without its challenges, and we learned a lot as an organisation. We are now in a position to share our expertise and experience with many institutions around the world who have expressed interest in adopting the VU Block Model,” Professor Germov said.
The Academy will offer a range of services through virtual or real-time action-based meetings, workshops and professional development programs. From effective change management, to how to design, deliver and quality control an active and engaging block classroom, VU’s expertise allows us to work creatively with those aiming to adapt the VU Block Model to their needs and those of their students.
Global interest in the VU Block Model has grown considerably in recent years as higher education providers are challenged by policy-makers, communities and students to deliver increased value for money and better prospects for students.
“We are thrilled to be able to share our innovation with the world. Tradition, legacy and prestige may always have currency, but there are inherent risks for tertiary institutions who remain anchored in the past,” Professor Germov said.
“As world-leaders in block teaching, launching the Academy enables us to share our expertise and experience with the global community.”