UEEIC0025 - Provide solutions to extra-low voltage (ELV) electro-pneumatic control systems and drives

Unit code: UEEIC0025 | Study level: TAFE
UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to provide solutions to extra-low voltage (ELV) electro-pneumatic elements operating at ELV and variable speed drives.
It includes working safely, establishing required control functions, checking device installation, entering instruction into programmable devices, following workplace instruction and procedures and completing documentation.
Electrical connections referred to in this unit are confined to pre-assembled plug and socket sets. This unit does not cover competencies for installation and connection of electrical wiring.
The skills and knowledge described in this unit require a licence or permit to practice in the workplace where work is carried out on electrical installations which are designed to operate at voltages greater than 50 volt (V) alternating current (a.c.) or 120 V direct current (d.c.).


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment tasks will be designed to reinforce & extend knowledge and skill competence within set & controlled parameters in accordance with each unit’s learning outcomes & performance criteria requirements, incl the setting of work based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines.
Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills:
* establishing and documenting functions that the control and drive system is required to perform
* developing and documenting circuits for the electro-pneumatic control and drive systems that meet the required functions
* checking location of control field devices and adjusting to ensure correct functioning
* checking electro-pneumatic control and drive system components connections
* entering functions and parameters into programmable components correctly
* correcting programming anomalies
* testing and verifying correct operation
* reporting work completion to appropriate persons in accordance with established procedures
* dealing with unplanned events
* applying problem-solving techniques, including:
* preparing to developing solutions
* providing solutions
* inspecting, testing and documenting solutions
* applying relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements, including:
* implementing workplace procedures and practices
* using of risk control measures.

Required reading

The qualified trainer and assessor will provide teaching and learning materials as required in the form of workbooks produced by Victoria University and/or via the Victoria University e-learning system.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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