Power Quality and Harmonics

Unit code: NNM7005 | Study level: Postgraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park


In this unit students will acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, critical analytical and practical skills which can be applied to investigation and resolution of complex problem solving scenarios. The unit material has been developed to enhance students’ communication skills, individual and group project participation and other professional capabilities important to power quality and harmonics during generation and distribution. The subject of power quality is very broad by nature. It covers all aspects of power system engineering from transmission and distribution level analyses to end-user problems. Therefore, electric power quality has become the concern of utilities, end users as well as manufacturers.

The increased use of power electronic components within the distribution system and the reliance on renewable energy sources which have converters as interface between the source and the power system lead to power quality problems for the operation of machines, transformers, capacitors and power systems. Power quality of power systems affects all connected electrical and electronic equipment, and is a measure of deviations in voltage, current, frequency, temperature, force, and torque of particular supply systems and their components. In recent years there has been considerable increase in nonlinear loads, in particular distributed loads such as computers, TV monitors and lighting. These draw harmonic currents which have detrimental effects including communication interference, loss of reliability, increased operating costs, equipment overheating, machine, transformer and capacitor failures, and inaccurate power metering. This subject is pertinent to engineers involved with power systems quality control, electrical machines performance evaluation, electronic equipment for power measurement, computers for power monitoring and manufacturing equipment that is power driven.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Apply specialist technical knowledge to determine power quality and harmonics in a variety of contexts;
  2. Design and implement parameters of the equipment needed to diagnose power in order to determine quality and the presence of harmonics;
  3. Implement specialist practices to ensure efficiency in both transmission and distribution of quality power;
  4. Critique and apply specifications needed in commissioning power distribution;
  5. Survey and propose solutions to power quality problems of electrical machines and power systems; and
  6. Propose, implement and evaluate modelling, simulation and measuring techniques for transformers, machines, capacitors and power generation systems.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Project
Grade: 20%
Project 1 Report on power quality challenges in transmission and distribution networks (1000 words) (Individual)
Assessment type: Laboratory Work
Grade: 30%
Laboratory reports on practicals relevant to power quality in power system networks (Individual)
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 30%
Project 2
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 20%
Group presentation relevant to Project 2 and contribution (Individually assessed)

Required reading

To be advised by unit coordinator

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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