Performance Based Solutions for Building

Unit code: NBC2109 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
Online Real Time


This unit focuses on applying performance-based codes, along with risk assessment and management principles, to both commercial and residential buildings across all classes and construction types. It covers the objectives, functional statements, and performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia. Specifically, the unit examines the effects of implementing performance-based solutions and the involvement of private building certifiers/surveyors on building safety, regulatory compliance, and construction quality. It explores how these elements influence the efficiency and effectiveness of building certification processes and the overall adherence to safety standards.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the differences between established deemed-to-satisfy protocols, which follow specific, prescriptive standards, and the use of professional judgment in developing performance-based solutions;
  2. Justify and document performance-based solution decisions and prepare and evaluate appropriate assessment reports;
  3. Appraise performance-based solutions concerning the impact on building maintenance and refurbishment;
  4. Evaluate and justify the potential benefits of using performance-based solutions in place of deemed-to-satisfy provisions;
  5. Evaluate the ethical and professional conduct observed in practice, examining how principles and standards are applied in real-world scenarios; and
  6. Exemplify effective team and communication skills for interacting with various stakeholders.

Study as a single unit

This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

Learn more about single units of study at VU


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 20%
Two Tests (10% each) (Individual)
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 60%
Design project (Group) (Part 1 – Preliminary report 20%, Part 2 – Final report 40%)
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 20%
Project Oral Presentation (Group)

Required reading

Performance Requirements extracted from the National Construction Code 2016
National Construction Code (current ed)| ABCB Publications, Canberra

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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