Complex Midwifery 2

Unit code: HMB3101 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
VU Sunshine Clinical School
HMB2201 - Complex Midwifery 1
HMB2202 - Midwifery Professional Practice 1
RBM2202 - Pathophysiology & Quality Use of Medicines 2
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


The unit of study builds on the content of ‘HMB2201 Complex Midwifery 1’ and introduces students to the more complex health problems that women may experience during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period. Emphasis is given to the collaborative role of the midwife, referral mechanisms, medication management, use of technology and intervention, and the implications of these for the woman, her baby and midwifery care. Specifically the content will cover unexpected complications during labour and birth, including in-coordinate uterine action, the intervention cascade, foetal distress and birth asphyxia, primary postpartum haemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, and recognising the acutely deteriorating woman.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Apply pathophysiological knowledge to women experiencing complications during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period.
  2. Analyse specific medical and obstetric conditions that affect labour, birth and the postpartum period.
  3. Critically examine the use of medications and technology (ultrasound, cardiotocography) and obstetric procedures (epidural analgesia, forceps, ventouse and caesarean birth) in midwifery and obstetric practice.
  4. Explain the assessment and management of maternal health complications in the first week of the postpartum period including infection, secondary postpartum haemorrhage, haematomas and deep vein thrombosis.
  5. Articulate knowledge of medication administration, haemodynamic monitoring, perineal suturing, and the assessment and management of maternity emergencies.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 20%
Written test (online) (30mins)
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 30%
Written assessment - critical essay using evidence to analyse a specific area of labour management (1000 words)
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 50%
Written assessment - case studies and MCQ which covers all content in the unit (2000 words)

Required reading

Midwifery: Preparation for practice
Pairman, S., Tracy, S. K., Dahlen, H. G., Lesley Dixon, L. (2019)| Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier.
Skills for midwifery practice
De-Vitry Smith, S., Bayes, S., Johnson, R., & Taylor, W. (2019)| Chatswood, NSW: Elsevier.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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