VU leads to management job
Through case studies, I gained experience analysing industry scenarios. The integration of SAP in the syllabus was definitely helpful when I joined Multivac.
Jonjie Beltran (Philippines)
Master of Business (Supply Chain Management)
Industry experience and contacts gained at Victoria University (VU) propelled Jonjie Beltran from being an international student, to being appointed Customer Service and Supply Chain Manager at Multivac, a leading packaging company in Australia.
"Through case studies, I gained experience analysing industry scenarios. The integration of SAP in the syllabus was definitely helpful when I joined Multivac.
Jonjie completed the Master of Business (Supply Chain Management) at VU, as an international student from Tuguearao, in the northernmost part of the Philippines.
"I chose VU after researching universities in Victoria. I wanted to study supply chains and logistics and my research on the internet indicated that VU provided a good course. It was also important to me that the campus was in the CBD and the cost of the course appeared to be reasonable when compared with other universities.
Jonjie says his initial introduction to Multivac came through a fellow student who was working for the company. They became friends and worked on assignments together. "When a position became available at Multivac he put my name forward for it. I benefited greatly from experience gained during the course and from obtaining a masters qualification in supply chain management.
Education is very important in a competitive world. I feel having a masters has helped me to obtain rewarding work and will continue to do so.
Jonjie says he would recommend VU to other students in the Philippines. "The course was well structured, the administrative and teaching staff were very supportive and I enjoyed the study. The Melbourne campus is well located and the numerous nationalities studying there made it a good cultural experience.