Students with a passion for social justice

VU students are good team players with notable skills in collaborative practice and the University ensures they are work-ready.
Tina Guido
General Manager at Indiancare and Former Program Manager at Baptcare Family Services
Tina Guido, General Manager of Indiancare and former Program Manager at Baptcare Family Services Victoria, says VU students are well-prepared for the challenges of a social work career.
Baptcare has been employing graduates of VU and taking on student placements from VU social work courses for many years.
VU students come with a solid theoretical foundation, a strong sense of social justice and a passion for helping vulnerable members of our community. It is a delight to see them light up when they relate their classroom learning to experiences in the field. They have the required knowledge and skills and have always demonstrated a keenness for lifelong learning.
Social work is rewarding and fulfilling, yet can be challenging and demand a lot from the worker. My experience is that VU students are open-minded, willing to learn and are ready to ‘get in the trenches’ and take on challenges.
VU students are good team players with notable skills in collaborative practice and the University ensures they are work-ready. There is an optimal mix of theory and practice in the courses which is valued by students and by their placement supervisors and employers.
Industry snapshot
The community services and healthcare industry is Australia’s largest employer group and fastest growing sectors in Australia, making up 11.4% of the workforce. Career opportunities are diverse, with over 350 different occupations available.
Many jobs require higher education with more than 38% of workers holding a Bachelor degree or higher qualification and another 33% with a VET qualification (source).