Leading the IT crowd

I chose to do the Diploma first, because it gave me a lot of confidence, and the lecturer was able to give us more individual attention.
Eriwati Eriwati
Diploma of Information Technology, Bachelor of Information Technology
Following her pathway to success from diploma to degree, Eriwati Eriwati now has a head-start in her IT future.
"Every industry needs IT – I’m glad I chose this course at VU as I have discovered a passion for it.
I began my studies with the Diploma of Information Technology, which gave me one year of credit for my Bachelor degree. I chose to do the Diploma first, because it gave me a lot of confidence, and the lecturer was able to give us more individual attention.
VU gave me so many opportunities – lecturers helped me not only with my studies, but other aspects relating to my career.
As an international student, I never used English in my country, but I got so much help from lecturers and support staff. VU knows how to engage students and helps students to achieve their goals.
I got a scholarship to travel to Nice, France to participate in an entrepreneurship program, and I undertook a mentoring program and an internship which gave me confidence and experience. I then undertook a professional year and volunteer work and now working in IT support for TLA, a global sports talent and marketing group.