How Aye Si found connection through VU

In our class, our teachers are really kind, and they really support the students.
Aye Aye Si Ccun Sah Boi
Certificate III in EAL
Aye Si came to Melbourne as a refugee with her family from Myanmar. In the time since she arrived, as well as a new home, she’s found a VU experience that was more than just a language class. Aye Si enrolled in a Certificate III in EAL – supported by the Western Melbourne English Program (WMEP).
“I chose Victoria University (VU) Polytechnic because this program would help meet my needs – especially English
“This EAL [English as an Additional Language] class is like a formation for, and has powered up, my future study.
Finding connection in class
“In our class, our teachers are really kind, and they really support the students.
“I’ve met a lot of people from different backgrounds from other countries in the class.
“We work together, and we communicate with each other in our class, then we talk about our countries – how they’re different and how they are good.
“I feel like I learned much more from my class.
Campus facilities bringing people together
“What I enjoy the most at VU is using the gym. They have a lot of different kinds of sports: basketball, volleyball.
“I like volleyball, I like sport. So every single day, I play volleyball and basketball at lunchtime, there. I meet new friends and I improve my teamwork.
“I also love the library, there is a lot of material and tools that we can share there.
A future in community service
“I want to move forward with community services for my future study.
“My future goals are that I want to work with a group or a community – not only a community from my country. I want to work with lots of different communities so I can get that experience, or I can help them with something that they need.
Want to improve your English or Foundation skills?
The WMEP helps students from non-English speaking as well as English speaking backgrounds. Our certificates will help you develop your skills, moving towards gaining employment or further study.