How Annie found a new career serving communities

The job from placement was instrumental in my learning success. I developed some amazing connections and am still growing and flourishing in that role.
Annie Wohlgehagen
Bachelor of Community Development
Seeking a change in career, Annie Wohlgehagen set out on a new journey in community development. She shares how studying at VU helped make it happen.
“I can remember the lightbulb moment when I realised really clearly, ‘I have to change something in my life.’
“I was working full time in a high pressure job, and I had come to a crossroads in my career where the work was no longer aligning with my moral compass or making me feel good about what I was putting out into society.
“Study was the only way I could shift my career at that point, so I researched very meticulously what I wanted to study and where.
“At first I thought I wanted to study sociology, some form of social work, policy development or even anthropology. The Bachelor of Community Development was this beautiful hybrid of all of those and so much more, and VU was the only place offering the course in such a flexible manner.”
Balancing work & study
“I wasn’t in a position to not work, so the VU Block Model was such an easy option. I knew I could juggle one 'project' (block) and my work projects at the same time.
"I was also able to do winter and summer blocks and finished my degree in two years, which was pretty amazing.
“I have recommended VU and the Bachelor of Community development to several people, because the Block Model is so good for anyone who needs to maintain a career and study.
During my time at VU I had the absolute pleasure of being taught by some of the most wonderful, passionate and powerful people. I am very grateful to those lecturers and professors who carry such passion for their work and are able to pass that passion to you through the course of a four-week block.
“I think everyone deserves a chance to learn in an environment that is conducive to the way they learn, and the lecturers at VU and the Block Model work in symbiosis to create that environment.”
Flourishing in a career with passion
“During my course I took a placement with the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre (SZCC) – it turned into a job, which turned into my career today!
"The job from placement was instrumental in my learning success. I was given so many opportunities for practical theory application and hands-on program management. I developed some amazing connections and am still growing and flourishing in that role now.
“As a project officer at SZCC I have several active programs, most notably the Good Beginnings program, which I started work on as a research assistant during my placement and have had the absolute honour of seeing become a very successful program.
“It really has been a full circle of the 'change your life' moment I had all those years ago.”
Interested in a career in community development?
In the Bachelor of Community Development at VU, you’ll develop skills and knowledge in building strong communities, preparing you for a meaningful career in not-for-profit, community or government sectors.
Discover the Bachelor of Community Development now.