The two unique ways Rawan’s making her way in the law

I started studying at another uni – trying to complete four subjects was stressful. But at VU I can put all my attention on one at a time without neglecting anything or having all my exams at once.
Law student
Rawan Badawi’s relationship with the law began like many – as a young person who liked to argue.
After starting her tertiary studies at another university, Rawan transferred to VU for its innovative learning model and focus on industry placements. She shares how she’s maintained passion for her studies, and is now getting the best preparation for the legal profession.
“It sounds like a cliché, but I knew the law was a natural fit for me – I was a bit argumentative as a kid, and Year 10 Legal Studies was the first subject that excited me. I’d previously had an issue with public speaking too, but with law, it came easy."
Advantage Block Model
"Prior to VU, I started studying at another university. Trying to complete four subjects simultaneously was super stressful, especially with the added two-hour commute. In addition to its city legal precinct location, VU caught my eye with the Block Model – it allows you to study one unit (subject) at once every four weeks.
It means I can put all of my attention on that unit without neglecting anything, or having all my exams and assignments at once. It helps me to stay focused and keeps stress off my shoulders."
Practical experience that opens doors
“My internship at WEstjustice Sunshine Legal Centre is a 150-hour placement, which counts towards my degree. I’ve sat in on client phone calls and bail hearings, drafted documents, becoming familiar with briefs and clients, and professional work culture.
Friends at other unis are worried about entering the workforce, not knowing how to apply their degree. But I’m more confident; I know employers look really favourably on this type of firsthand experience.
"What really keeps me going is my culture and my family. My parents were immigrants from Sudan and Egypt; they worked hard and brought us to Australia when I was five. They’ve given my siblings and me the education and opportunities that they never had, and I want to keep making them proud.”