Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Social Justice
  • Sport Pedagogy
  • Critical inquiry
  • Feminist studies
  • Participatory Action Research

Available to supervise research students

Available for media queries

About Carla Nascimento Luguetti

My overarching research and teaching focus on topics of sport pedagogy, social justice and young people’s voices. Over the past seven years I have focused on understanding activist approaches within sporting and educational contexts. I have demonstrated the ability to design and conduct research with a strong commitment to reducing social inequalities and promoting positive and sustainable social change in and through sport. Collaboratively and in partnership with communities, my line of research aims at co-designing curriculum and/or programs with diverse youth (from socially vulnerable backgrounds, CALD, and refugee backgrounds). The intent is to assist youth to become critically aware of their communities’ social issues and empower them for social change.

I completed a PhD at the University of Sao Paulo in 2014. My research explored critical pedagogy and feminist studies in order to co-create a sport program that better addressed youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds. During that time, I participated as a visiting researcher for six months at the University of Bedfordshire, UK, under the supervision of Professor David Kirk. In 2015 and 2016, I did my post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Human Performance, Dance and Recreation at New Mexico State University, US, under the supervision of Professor Kimberly Oliver.

I joined VU as a lecturer in 2018 and I teach a range of units in Health and Physical Education.

My line of research is underpinned by critical pedagogy and feminist studies. I have a significant publication track record in collaboration with researchers from all over the globe (US, UK, Ireland, Australia, and South America) in peer-reviewed journals and papers for international conferences. For example, since 2010 I have published two co-authored books, 14 book chapters and 46 peer-reviewed journal articles. My publications cover a range of topics within her field. These include participatory and activist approaches to working with diverse youth, curriculum innovation and development through models-based practice.

I am interested in supervising or co-supervising postgraduate students who have an interest in HPE and sport pedagogy, participatory action research and social justice.


  • Post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Human Performance, Dance and Recreation at New Mexico State University, US
  • PhD Pedagogy of Human Movement, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • M.A. Sport Studies, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Key publications

Year Citation
2024 Shilcutt, J. B., Oliver, K. L., & Luguetti, C. N. (240101). An Activist Approach to Physical Education and Physical Activity: Imagining What Might Be.

doi: 10.4324/b23165

Year Citation
2024 Luguetti, C. N., & Oliver, K. L. (240228). Teaching Faceless Students (pp. 54-63). Routledge.

doi: 10.4324/b23165-6

2024 Oliver, K. L., Shilcutt, J. B., & Luguetti, C. N. (240228). Introduction (pp. 1-11). Routledge.

doi: 10.4324/b23165-1

2024 Shilcutt, J. B., Oliver, K. L., & Luguetti, C. N. (240228). Conclusion (pp. 181-185). Routledge.

doi: 10.4324/b23165-18

2024 Luguetti, C. N., Jice, N., Singehebhuye, L., Singehebhuye, K., Mathieu, A., & Spaaij, R. (240228). Youth Researchers (pp. 108-120). Routledge.

doi: 10.4324/b23165-11


doi: 10.4324/9781003430339-9

2024 Oliver, K. L., Shilcutt, J. B., & Luguetti, C. N. (240101). Introduction (pp. 1-11).

doi: 10.4324/b23165-1

2024 Luguetti, C. N., & Oliver, K. L. (240101). Teaching Faceless Students : Exploring the Possibilities of an Activist Approach in Remote Health and Physical Education Teacher Education (pp. 54-63).

doi: 10.4324/b23165-6

Year Citation
2024 Thomas, M. B., Muscat, A., Zuccolo, A., Nascimento, Luguetti., & Watt, A. (240101). Academic voices delivering intensive teaching in higher education: What is really key for block model delivery?. Innovations in Education and Teaching International,

doi: 10.1080/14703297.2024.2366407

2024 Rufino, L. GB., Iannucci, C., Hunuk, D., Vidoni, C., Luguetti, C. N., Goncalves, L. L., Ferreira, H. J., Batista, P., Borges, C., & MacPhail, A. (240101). Exploring Solidarity in Action: Key Methodological Features for Collaborative Research in Physical Education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, (1-8).

doi: 10.1123/jtpe.2023-0318

Research funding for the past 5 years

Please note:

  • Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
  • Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
  • The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.

Volunteer West - Inclusive Volunteering toolkit
From: Australian Multicultural Community Services
For period: 2023-2023
Not disclosed

Positive Kick Soccer Program
From: One Ball Incorporated
Other investigators: Prof Ramon Spaaij
For period: 2022-2024

Empowering lives through football
From: Football Victoria Inc
Other investigators: Prof Ramon Spaaij, Dr Fiona Mclachlan, Aspr Brent Mcdonald
For period: 2020-2021
Not disclosed
The Change Makers Project: Empowering Football Clubs on the Journey to 50/50
From: Change our Game Research Grant Program
Other investigators: Aspr Brent Mcdonald, Dr Fiona Mclachlan
For period: 2020-2021
Change Makers: Empowering Sports in Melbourne's West to Provide Positive Engagement for Migrants and Refugees
From: Driving Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Activity
Other investigators: Prof Ramon Spaaij, Aspr Brent Mcdonald, Dr Fiona Mclachlan
For period: 2020-2022

Supervision of research students at VU

Available to supervise research students

Available for media queries

Currently supervised research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
1 PhD Integrated Associate supervisor
1 PhD Associate supervisor

Currently supervised research students at VU

Students & level Role
PhD Integrated (1) Associate supervisor
PhD (1) Associate supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
1 Doctor of Education Associate supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

Students & level Role
Doctor of Education (1) Associate supervisor

Other supervision of research students

Carla is interested in supervising or co-supervising postgraduate students who have an interest in HPE and sport pedagogy, participatory action research and social justice. Carla has already supervised 60 honours theses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Santa Cecilia University, Brazil. She was also invited to be part in 5 doctoral and 8 masters examinations. Carla has international networks in US, UK, Ireland and South America and she is interested in supervising international students.

Teaching activities & experience

Carla has taught in higher education for eleven years and actively contributed to the creation of new curricular proposals in the undergraduate courses.

In Brazil, Carla coordinated six units related to pedagogy in physical education and sports coaching (Teaching and Learning in Physical Education and Sport, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Foundations of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, and Long Term Athlete Development), seven units in youth development, youth sports and recreation (Motor Learning, Motor Control, Human Growths, Motor Development Sport and Games, Artistic Gymnastic, and School Sport), four units in supporting research (Developing a Research Project in Physical Education, Basic Scientific Research in Physical Education, and Research Methods in Physical Education), and three units in psychological and sociocultural aspects of physical activity, sport, and recreation (Sport Sociology, and Sport Psychology). 

She joined VU as a lecturer in 2018 and teaches a range of units in Health and Physical Education.

Teaching responsibilities


Year Award

Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education Exemplary Paper Award 2016 - American Education Research Association


Outstanding Supervisor Award 2015 - Santa Cecilia University


Merit Award 2013 by relevant academic contribution in the field of teaching, research and community engagement - Santa Cecilia University

Keynote and invited speeches

Year Title/Description

Towards a pedagogy of love: Exploring people’s experiences of an activist sport pedagogical model

Carla was invited to deliver a keynote in the AIESEP 2019 International Conference at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York on June 19- 22, 2019. AIESEP is an international, non-governmental, non-profit, professional association which aims to promote high quality research worldwide in the areas of physical education, physical activity and sport pedagogy across the lifespan. Carla deliver a keynote message on the subtheme: Professional Preparation for Health and Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity; and Youth Development.