VU research trainers in Indonesia

Victoria University research staff recently conducted several workshops with partner universities in four cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Malang, Yogjakarta and Makassar) as part of VU centenary celebrations.
Thursday 19 May 2016

Victoria University research staff recently conducted several workshops with partner universities in four cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Malang, Yogjakarta and Makassar) as part of VU centenary celebrations.

VU has a large PhD cohort from Indonesia, and a significant portion of its international alumni are from Indonesia.

Some 750 participants attended the workshops at the University of Indonesia, State University of Makassar, University of Gaja Madha, University of Brawijaya, and University of Hasnuddin.

Dean of Graduate Research, Dr Helen Borland and Ron Adams, Graduate Research Centre researcher, conducted the workshops, assisted by international research training senior adviser, Bhanuka Wanasinghe.

The first workshop focused on strategies for successfully completing doctoral research, based on Ron Adams’ award-winning program Demystifying the Thesis. The program was developed to empower and equip doctoral students to assume greater control over their own research training and thesis production.

The second workshop outlined why international journal publishing is increasingly expected as part of the doctoral research process, and offered strategies for achieving international publication results.

During the visit, VU  also signed a bilateral agreement with the Director General of Higher Education in Indonesia (RSDIKTI) to receive Indonesian government-sponsored research students to VU.

Under this new agreement VU and RSDIKTI will co-sponsor Indonesian PhD students during their study at VU.



Contact us

Bhanuka Wanasinghe

Senior Adviser, International Training and Research, Office of the PVC (Research and Research Training)

[email protected]