Writing & literacy help
Need help with your written assessment and academic writing? Book an appointment with one of our expert Writing Advisors.
Our Writing Advisor offer personalised support with your written assignment, to enable your academic success. They can help you get on track with your learning and stay on track to boost your grades!
Our advisors can assist with:
- assignment planning and structure
- academic writing, referencing and online resources
- general study skills (time management, reading strategies and note-taking)
- preparing for assessments.
Writing Advisors cannot proofread or edit your assignments.

Book a 1-1 appointment with a Writing Advisor
To connect with a Writing Advisor, please book a 1-1 appointment.
Appointments last 45 minutes and can be booked between 8am–6pm, Monday-Friday during teaching periods. You can book up to one appointment per week. Both online and on-campus appointments are available.
We understand that you may wish to request an advisor with an ally status or who identifies with a particular gender, faith or other status. Contact with your request so we can help you find the right Learning Advisors for your needs.
To book a consultation please login to the Student Hub using your VU student account login details.
About our writing appointments
Workshops on academic writing, paraphrasing & more
Looking to fast track your academic writing skills? We highly recommend you explore our range of interactive online workshops that will provide you with skills and strategies to support you time at uni and beyond!
We offer workshops on:
- academic writing (part 1 and part 2)
- paraphrasing
- group work
- time management.
To check the schedule and book an online workshop please visit the Student Hub.