VU researcher named world’s most cited expert in his field

A Victoria University academic has been named one of the world’s most influential researchers, with his work rapidly amassing citations from all over the world.
The prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings revealed that Professor Peng Shi, a mathematician and systems engineer, was the world leading researcher in electrical and electronic engineering over the period 2014-2017. Based on the THE analysis, he is the most highly cited researcher in this field, with his work in the top 1 per cent of cited articles world wide.
Their data showed that Dr Shi, who is also affiliated with the University of Adelaide, was 33 times more likely than other experts in his area anywhere in the world to publish research in this bracket.
He has published more than 600 journal papers and his work has received more than 20,000 citations.
Professor Shi, a researcher in VU’s Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities, is a highly regarded expert in the area of dynamic systems, computational intelligence, and control theory applied to areas such as electric drivers, robotics, wireless sensor networks, neural networks, and fuzzy sets and systems.
“I am delighted that my research efforts have been recognised by my peers. It is a great honour and pleasure to me that my works have been well received and widely acknowledged,” he said.
In addition to his recent accolade showing the exceptional impact of his work worldwide, Professor Shi was named a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics in 2017, placing him among the world’s leading scientific minds.
He was also recognised as one of the world's leading researchers in the Thomas Reuters List of Highly Cited Researchers for 2014 and 2015 for his work in electrical and electronic engineering, as well as applied mathematics and computational and intelligent systems.
Professor Shi, who received Victoria University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Citation Award of Research and Research Training in 2010, said VU has provided him with all necessary facilities and strong support to work productively and efficiently in his field.
“My achievements would not have been possible without wide collaboration and encouragement from my colleagues and friends, and extraordinary support from family.”
Professor Shi is a Distinguished Lecturer and Fellow with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, as well as a Fellow with the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institute of Engineers, Australia, and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.