Students offered places at Victoria University for 2020
Victoria University is excited to welcome so many new students for 2020 ahead of the summer break.
Vice Chancellor Peter Dawkins said this is the first time Year 12 students have received offers via VTAC in December, with further offers to be made in January.
“Waiting to find out whether you’ve got a first-round offer can make for an anxious holiday period for Year 12 students wanting to attend university, so for many receiving this news today will be a welcome relief,”
Professor Dawkins said.
“We know those receiving offers from us today can also look forward to an easier transition to university life as a result of our extensive and exciting transformation journey over the past two years.
“The introduction of the Block Model in 2018 allows our students to complete one unit at a time before moving to the next, instead of juggling multiple units simultaneously, enabling them a better chance of succeeding.
“Since its introduction in 2018, the VU Block Model has seen our first years’ pass rate increase to over 80 per cent and over 40 per cent of students received distinctions and high distinctions, without a change to the assessment given.”
The early offer program VU Guaranteed also attracted 1600 applications for VET and Higher Education courses.
“We are currently working with these students to learn more about their ambitions and needs so we can make sure they are given the opportunity to embark on the right learning path for them,”
Professor Dawkins said.
“Being a dual-sector university means we are able to offer Vocational Education and Training VET courses for students through Victoria Polytechnic. This option attracts students wanting to work in trades or para-professional roles as well as those looking for a pathway into a higher education degree.”
Professor Dawkins also reiterated the Victoria University does not view ATARs as a critical measure of success.
“ATAR scores are just one of a number of factors we consider when matching applicants to courses – our primary mission remains providing appropriate education opportunities for as many students as possible, whatever their background. Prerequisites are often more important than the ATAR score,”
he said.
“There is strong evidence showing that students entering suitable degrees with lower ATARs are able to match or even exceed the performance of their more-highly ranked peers,”
Professor Dawkins said.