Review of remote & online learning experiences during COVID-19

The Centre for International Research on Education Systems was commissioned by all Education Ministers to synthesise evidence about what is known about remote and online learning. This review into online and remote learning has recently been published by the Australian Education Research Organisation.
The review took into account online and remote learning practices prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also those that matured quickly during the pandemic.
The review sought to identify the effect of, and approaches to, remote and online learning for different student cohorts, learning domains and year levels. It also examined the efficacy of remote and online learning as compared to face-to-face learning.
The review also considered the effects of delivering schooling via remote and online learning on a range of outcomes, including wellbeing and achievement.
Researchers at CIRES undertook an extensive literature review and stakeholder consultations as part of this project to develop its findings. Overall, the evidence base was limited to be able to make recommendations about effective practices and approaches to remote and online learning that could be adopted by systems and schools. However, the report pointed to the need to conduct new research to better understand how online and remote learning can be effectively delivered.
The report highlighted the importance of taking stock of what was learnt during COVID-19 to ensure that schools are better prepared for any future scenario that may require a return to online and remote learning.