Library satisfaction survey 2020

From 8–21 June, VU students and staff are invited to complete the online library satisfaction survey 2020.
Thursday 4 June 2020

From 8 June until 21 June, you are invited to complete the online library satisfaction survey 2020.

Amid COVID-19, Victoria University (VU) students and staff have the opportunity to offer valuable feedback about the VU Library online service and the remote learning and teaching experience.

We ask you what is important to you as a student or staff, how well the Library is performing and how we can improve to better service your needs.

It takes just 10 minutes to complete the survey.

The library satisfaction survey 2020 is now closed.

About the library satisfaction survey

The library satisfaction survey is scheduled every two or three years and is administered by InSync. It is confidential and anonymous and your honest input will be very important.

Insync’s privacy policy prohibits the provision of your survey responses to VU Library or any third party in a way that would allow your responses to be linked to you.

The results of the survey will be made available via the VU Library website.