Chinese & Australian economics experts present research

Internationally renowned economics experts from China and Australia were in Melbourne this week for a joint conference between Victoria University and China’s prestigious Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE).
A 16-member delegation of distinguished economists from China joined their Australian counterparts to present important research. Victoria University’s College of Business’ Centre of Policy Studies (CoPs) and the Victoria Institute of Strategic and Economic Studies (VISES) were both represented at the conference, on 11 and 12 May at VU’s City Flinders Campus.
Presentation themes

The first annual conference of the two universities’ newly formed Centre for Research on Business and Economics (CRBE) unveiled economic research and economic modelling on a range of topics under the following themes:
- environmental and energy economics
- public finance and public policy
- sport and health economics.
Insight into China's economy

Presentations provided insights about:
- the health impact on Chinese workers of China’s mandatory retirement age
- the effect of China’s public health equalisation programs in controlling non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes
- the development of China’s public sports system
- key factors influencing China’s changing energy use and policy recommendations
- effects of uncertain oil prices on China’s manufacturing base.
Victory University's partnership with CUFE

Over the years, hundreds of CUFE students have graduated from VU’s dual-award program in international trade and financial risk management. Many have gone on to excellent success in further education and employment in China and around the world.