Respect & equality in TAFE week 2024

All students deserve a safe and respectful learning experience. VU is proudly supporting Respect and Equality in TAFE Week, which takes place between 15 and 19 April 2024.
Get involved
Online launch
Attend the online launch event with speaker Tarang Chawla.
Come and join the Online Launch Event with presentations from Our Watch, Respect Victoria and keynote speaker Tarang Chawla.
Tarang Chawla is a recovering lawyer, storyteller, campaigner and activist. He is the co-founder of Not One More Niki, a campaign to end violence against women and children, named in honour of his younger sister Nikita who was murdered in 2015.
When: 15 Apr 2024, 12noon–1pm
Where: Online
Come to our forum ‘Get to Grips with Diverse Genders and Sexualities’, followed by a free lunch provided by the Student Union. There will be lots of information and giveaways.
When: Tuesday 16 April, 11am
Where: Level 10, City Tower Campus
Resources & learning
Experience our online learning modules Being an Active Bystander and Consent and Respectful Relationships
Check out VU’s new Safety and Respect page
Joint statement from all Victorian TAFEs
All Victorian TAFEs & dual-sectors are uniting to promote the importance of respect, equality and inclusion throughout their campuses and online platforms during the Respect and Equality at TAFE week. We believe our communities should be safe and free from violence. From Monday 15 to Friday 19 April, we encourage students and staff to engage in activities aimed at preventing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality at your respective TAFEs.
TAFEs & dual-sectors are committed to our communities being ‘A Place For Everyone’.