Leadership snack: Modern day slavery

A student sits at a desk at home in front of a laptop covered in stickers.
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Modern slavery exists in every country and region in the world with almost 50 million people identified as living in modern slavery conditions. In Australia, the figure is estimated at 41,000. 

VU is committed to raising awareness and mitigating the risk as it is identified. VU provides an annual Modern Slavery Statement to the Attorney General’s Department which includes details about our approach to identifying and mitigating the risks of modern slavery. 

This presentation on modern slavery will provide background and information on modern slavery including: 

  • modern slavery background
  • what constitutes modern slavery
  • modern slavery in Australia
  • Australia’s legislative requirements
  • modern slavery risk in the university sector
  • what VU is doing and what you can do
  • references 

It will include some specific information on risks for students and actions that could be taken. 

Guest Presenter Maralyn Bengert is a Procurement Specialist in the Procurement and Finance Operations team. She supports VU departments in their tendering activities and supplier contract management. Modern slavery is a high risk for procurement and for the University, due to the range of goods and services which are procured. Maralyn provides awareness training for staff, students and suppliers.