Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Computer Science
  • E-Engineering analytics and engineering management
  • Quantum Computing/ IT/ AI
  • Applied industrial engineering/ supply chain/OR
  • E-Corporate governance/ accounting / finance

Not available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

About Sardar Islam

Professor Sardar M.N. Islam has lived, studied, worked and travelled (extensively) in different countries over a long period of time. He adopts a global and humanistic approach in his research and academic works. In his research, he has undertaken rigorous scientific studies of universal and emerging issues in several disciplines.

Currently, he is a Professor at Victoria University's Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities. He was a Professor of Business, Economics and Finance from 2007 to 2017, and has had many years of academic work experience in teaching, supervision, and multi-disciplinary research.

He has published extensively across a broad range of disciplines. His research has attracted international acclaim, leading to a number of appointments as distinguished visiting professor, visiting professor or adjunct professor in artificial intelligence, accounting, industrial engineering, finance, economics and management in several different countries. Professor Islam has also received a many invitations to address international conferences as a keynote speaker.

He has published articles in leading international journals including:

  • Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,
  • Journal of Optimisation Theory and Applications
  • Journal of Management and Industrial Optimisation
  • Annals of Operations Research, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Economic Modelling
  • Journal of Modelling in Management.

He has published a large number of research books in artificial intelligence and digitalisation, game theory, operations research, supply chian management, accounting, finance, business, economics and law. Each of these books makes significant scientific contributions to the literature. These books are published by prestigious publishers and the majority of his books are published in highly regarded book series.

The following are the areas of his interest and expertise for supervision and mentoring of, and collaboration with, students and colleagues/professors:

  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics
  • Game theory, agency theory and mechanism design
  • Finance
  • Advanced econometrics
  • Economics/health economics
  • Accounting and corporate governance
  • Management science/applied quantitative methods (applied operations research methods, applied econometrics, structural equation modelling, etc.)
  • Supply chain management/applied industrial engineering/operations management, engineering analytics and management
  • Business and Marketing Analytics
  • Law.


  • PhD, University of Tasmania, Australia, 1992

Key publications

Year Citation
2024 Goyal, S. B., Islam, S. MN., Rajawat, A. S., & Singh, J. (240101). Quantum computing in the era of IoT: Revolutionizing data processing and security in connected devices (pp. 552-559).
2024 Akbar, S., Shah, S. R., & Islam, S. MN. (240101). Aqueous Humor Flow in the Schlemm s Canal via Rectangular Channel: Mathematical Modeling for Analytical Results, Numerical Experiments, and Implications for Treatments (pp. 66-75).

doi: 10.1201/9781003387459-5

2024 Peng, W. W., Islam, S. MN., & Schoch, D. C. (240101). A Game Theory Model to Analyze Business Strategies for Increasing Profits: Analytical and Computational Approaches (pp. 235-245).

doi: 10.1201/9781003387459-15

2024 Singh, R., Bhardwaj, N., & Islam, S. MN. (240101). Applications of Mathematical Techniques to Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Methods, Algorithms, Computer Programming and Applications (pp. 152-169).

doi: 10.1201/9781003387459-11

Year Citation
2024 Xun, Y., Liu, J., Islam, S. MN., & Chen, Y. (240101). Multi-View Vehicle Image Generation Network for Vehicle Re-Identification Paper presented at 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2024 (pp. 517-522).

doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops59551.2024.10615790

2024 Mishra, S., Seth, S., Jain, S., Pant, V., Parikh, J., Jain, R., & Islam, S. MN. (240101). Image Caption Generation using Vision Transformer and GPT Architecture Paper presented at Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Computation and Computer Technologies, InCACCT 2024 (pp. 1-6).

doi: 10.1109/InCACCT61598.2024.10551257

2024 Dewan, R., Nagpal, T., Ahmad, S., Rana, A. K., & Islam, S. MN. (240101). Secure and Energy-Efficient Framework for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)-Based Healthcare System Paper presented at Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (pp. 487-498).

doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-6755-1_37

2024 Bonkra, A., Dhiman, P., Goyal, S., Islam, S. MN., Rana, A. K., & Sharma, N. (240101). An Innovative New Open Computer Vision Framework Via Artificial Intelligence with Python Paper presented at Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (pp. 95-109).

doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-6755-1_8

2024 Dewan, R., Nagpal, T., Ahmad, S., Rana, A. K., & Islam, S. MN. (240101). Security and Energy Efficiency Enhancement for the Internet of Things: Challenges, Architecture and Future Research Paper presented at Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (pp. 317-329).

doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-6755-1_24

Year Citation
2024 Al-hammadi, I., Li, M., Islam, S. MN., & Al-Mosharea, E. (240101). Collaborative computation offloading for scheduling emergency tasks in SDN-based mobile edge computing networks. Computer Networks, 238

doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2023.110101

Research funding for the past 5 years

Funding details for this researcher are currently unavailable.

Supervision of research students at VU

Not available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

Currently supervised research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
1 Doctor of Business Administration Associate supervisor
1 PhD Integrated Associate supervisor
7 PhD Integrated Principal supervisor
1 PhD Principal supervisor
1 PhD Associate supervisor

Currently supervised research students at VU

Students & level Role
Doctor of Business Administration (1) Associate supervisor
PhD Integrated (1) Associate supervisor
PhD Integrated (7) Principal supervisor
PhD (1) Principal supervisor
PhD (1) Associate supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
16 PhD Principal supervisor
1 PhD Acting supervisor
1 PhD Associate supervisor
16 Doctor of Business Administration Principal supervisor
7 Doctor of Business Administration Associate supervisor
1 PhD Integrated Associate supervisor
4 PhD Integrated Principal supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

Students & level Role
PhD (16) Principal supervisor
PhD (1) Acting supervisor
PhD (1) Associate supervisor
Doctor of Business Administration (16) Principal supervisor
Doctor of Business Administration (7) Associate supervisor
PhD Integrated (1) Associate supervisor
PhD Integrated (4) Principal supervisor

Other supervision of research students

Professor Islam was an external co-supervisor for Dr Jirawan Niemsakul, PhD, Mohidol University, Thailand and also for Dr Faraz Bidar, PhD, Swinburne University, Australia.

Teaching activities & experience

Professor Islam has held teaching roles in the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), teaching (every year since 1995) – 4 subjects:

  • Corporate Governance from 2003 to 2009 (shared)
  • Business Research Methods in 2006 (3 shared) in 2007 and 2008 (subject coordinator and lecturer)
  • Research Proposal Writing and Preparation in 2007 and 2008 (subject coordinator and lecturer) in 2009 (3 guest lectures)
  • Business Economics Modelling 1995-2002 (for 7 years).

Key academic roles

Dates Role Department / Organisation
Sep 2007 - Present
Professor of Business, Economics and Finance 2007 to 2017
Victoria University
Jan 2006 - Oct 2020
Director of Decision Sciences and Modelling Program
Victoria University
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Sep 2007 -
Professor of Business, Economics and Finance 2007 to 2017
Victoria University
Jan 2006 -
Oct 2020
Director of Decision Sciences and Modelling Program
Victoria University

Key industry, community & government roles

Dates Role Department/Organisation
Oct 2020 - Oct 2020
Journal Editorial Board Member, etc. of 8 in international journals
8 in international journals
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Oct 2020 - Oct 2020
Journal Editorial Board Member, etc. of 8 in international journals
8 in international journals


Year Award

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence - The Department of Civil Engineering, Sriwijaya University

Keynote and invited speeches

Year Title/Description

7 Keynote Speeches at international conferences.

Universities in different countries

Professional memberships

  • Academic Member, Certified Practicing Accountant
  • Academic Member, Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Order
  • Academic Member, Colombian Operations Research Society
  • Academic Member, Member of Australian Computer Society
  • Academic Member, Member of