Implementation of Primary Specialisation

Unit code: EEC4201 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
Online Real Time
EEC3000 - Differentiation for Students with Disabilities (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3004 - Pedagogy Today (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3005 - Social and Emotional Learning (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3006 - Respectful Relationships (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3007 - Digital Teaching and Learning (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC3008 - Assessment and Reporting in the Primary School (applicable for EBPE students ONLY)
EEC4110 - Curriculum and Assessment in Primary Literacy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3101 - Junior Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3102 - Secondary Specialisation Assessment and Reporting (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3103 - Senior Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students ONLY)
ECP3104 - Innovations in Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy (applicable for EBED students only. Satisfactory completion of Year 3 school practicum. Successful completion of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE).
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


Pre-service teachers deepen their expert content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and highly effective classroom teaching in one of the priority areas of Science or Mathematics/numeracy or English/literacy in primary schools. Other subject disciplines may also be considered in negotiation with the unit facilitator/convenor. In the selected specialisation area pre-service teachers undertake an in-depth investigation into primary curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. They explore, investigate and report on aspects of twenty first century teaching and learning in rapidly changing global, social, economic, environmental and technological contexts that inform content, pedagogy, curriculum and assessment of students’ learning. Pre-service teachers investigate the research-teaching-practice nexus in learning about the importance of research for teacher preparation and professional practice aimed at improving students’ learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Source and reflect on professional organisations and utilise the information gained to adjust subsequent planning as a subject specialist;
  2. Identify the core components of a school program to design a teaching and learning program or unit of work for the subject domain specialisation;
  3. Analyse and report on recent developments in scholarship and professional practice in the teaching of their subject specialisation;
  4. Implement and demonstrate evidence-informed opportunities for improving students’ learning and teaching practice in their subject specialisation; and
  5. Substantiate pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning that create positive classroom environments in the specialisation discipline.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Poster
Grade: 30%
Infographic representing primary specialisation including research evidence and pedagogical content knowledge
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 40%
Submit a unit or program of work in responses to issues, processes and procedures related to their primary specialisation
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 30%
Journal of Artefacts

Required reading

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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