Writing a successful grant proposal

Tips for researchers on writing an effective research grant application.

Before you start writing

  • Read carefully and follow the application guidelines and rules.
  • Spend time reading the instructions and rules. Is your research applicable? Is your project a good match?
  • Ensure you have sufficient time to write the application – note, some experts advise. that up to one year of preparation is required for major competitive grant applications.
  • Make your deadline for completing the final application and submitting it to Research Services earlier than required – this will give you time to review and reflect on what you have written.

Writing your research grant application

  • Write a grant that is friendly to your reader and ensure that you always keep the priorities of the funding body in mind.
  • Focus on your design, including timelines and methodologies.
  • Focus on the merits/benefits of the research – it is essential to make a strong case for the importance of your research in the wider context, particularly relating to community benefit.
  • Match the budget to the grant: Is the budget realistic? Are you able to justify each item in accordance with the aims and design of your research? Ensure that salaries (requested and committed as in-kind) are appropriately costed: refer to the Grants Budget Template.

Final draft & review

  • Have critical readers review your application – note that peer review is essential for all grant applications.
  • Follow the instructions one last time – go over the entire application to make sure you have addressed everything that you will be assessed on prior to submitting to Research Services.