VU's ‘thesis-demystifying’ workshops in Indonesia

An award-winning program that takes the dread out of PhD-writing was adapted and recently presented in Indonesia to prospective PhD students and current PhD supervisors.
Monday 9 October 2017

An award-winning program that takes the dread out of PhD-writing was adapted and recently presented in Indonesia to prospective PhD students and current PhD supervisors.

Professor Ron Adams of VU’s Graduate Research Centre delivered the one-day workshops at universities in Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta and Medan, hosted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Higher Education (DIKTI) and Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA).

Professor Adams, a Research Fellow in VU’s Graduate Research Centre, developed the Demystifying The Thesis (DTT) program nearly a decade ago. The program has been delivered at universities across Australia and to many institutes overseas to great acclaim, and received the national Australian Learning and Teaching Council Award for Postgraduate Education in 2010.  

Indonesia is a long-time Victoria University partner in both education and research activities. For many years, VU has hosted sponsored PhD students from Indonesia, who return home to assume distinguished academic, policy, and leadership roles in universities, government departments, and the corporate sector.

In addition to empowering and equipping doctoral students with strategies to handle the various stages of doctoral research and thesis-writing, the DTT program focuses on the importance of, and processes towards, getting published in academic journals.

Professor Adams is widely sought after by institutions across Australia and around the world to present workshops on research training capacity‐building for PhD students and supervisors. He has presented at the following universities:


  • Victoria University
  • Edith Cowan University
  • University of Tasmania
  • Wollongong University
  • La Trobe University
  • RMIT University
  • Federation University
  • Swinburne University of Technology.


  • Pacific Theological College – Fiji
  • Goroka University- PNG
  • Sultan Qaboos University and Ministry of Higher Education – Oman
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University – Nepal
  • Burapha University, Assumption University and Mahidol University – Thailand
  • Sabana University and Rosario University – Colombia
  • Universidade Nacional Timor‐Loro Sa’e  - Timor Leste
  • Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Universitas Hasanuddin and Universitas Negeri Makassar - Indonesia.

Contact us

Bhanuka Wanasinghe

Senior Adviser, International Training and Research, Office of the PVC (Research and Research Training)

[email protected]