Leave a gift in your Will
When you leave a gift to VU in your Will, you’ll leave a legacy that shapes the future hardworking students and powers research that solves vital problems.
You can make your gift in your own name, or honour someone important in your life by leaving a gift in their name.
A legacy that lights the way
We are so grateful to all our alumni and supporters who are transforming students’ lives with their generous gifts – you’re helping hardworking and dedicated students have a real impact in our community!
An increasing number of members of the VU community are choosing to nominate VU in their will.
Considering your legacy is a very personal matter. Of course, you’ll want to think of your family and loved ones first, but you can also create opportunities for students that will help shape their lives and change their futures.
Leave a lasting impact
Your support will help students make ends meet and power vital research that finds real-world solutions
Supporting a student not only changes their life but helps to shape the community around them, regardless of their background or circumstances. Your gift could help a hard-working student pursue their dreams – to help save lives, restore our planet, or create a more equitable society.
You could also choose to support VU researchers, to have an impact in the world and solve the problems we face. Your gift could help find treatments for diseases like cancer, build diverse and inclusive communities or improve the ways we teach and learn.
Any gift, large or small, makes a difference.
After you’ve looked after your family and loved ones, a gift of even 1% of your estate can be transformational for our students and researchers.
Please get in touch if you’d like more information about leaving a gift in your will to VU, or would like to have a confidential chat. Rest assured that you are under no obligation, and you can change your intentions at any time.
A gift in your will to VU leaves a legacy of education that will create tomorrow’s leaders and shape our future for generations to come.
Thank you!
How to leave a gift in your Will
It’s very easy to leave VU a gift in your Will.
You can make your gift several ways:
- a residuary bequest (either a portion/percentage of the estate, or remainder of the estate, once all other bequests and costs have been paid)
- a pecuniary bequest (a specific sum of money)
- a specific bequest (asset such as real estate, shares and/or works of art).
No matter what form your gift takes, we can help you make sure it will achieve what you want it to. If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to VU, we encourage you to contact the Advancement Office (), so we can help guide you through the process.
Victoria University cannot provide donors with any legal or tax advice in relation to a proposed gift. We suggest you seek independent legal advice before preparing your will. Here are some examples of wording you can use as a guide:
General purpose wording: “I give Victoria University ABN 83 776 954 731 [insert details of gift] for the general purpose of the University.”
Specific wording: “I give Victoria University ABN 83 776 954 731[insert details of gift] (‘the bequest’). It is my preference that the bequest support [insert purpose].”
As your will is a very personal statement, we encourage you to speak to your family and loved ones about your intentions.
If you wish to honour a family or loved one by making a gift in their name, please talk to us about how we can help you.