
Journal articles

Sadler, I. and Gough, R. 2005 ‘Applying a Strategic Planning Process to Several Supply Chain Partners’, in Journal of Manufacturing Management, Vol 16, No.8

Gough, R. and Macintosh, M. and Park, R., 2006 ‘The Influence of Decentralised Bargaining Systems on the Introduction of Continuous Improvement Practices in Australian Manufacturing’, in Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 12, No. 2

Gough, Richard and Malcolm MacIntosh, 2007 'An Adaptive Institution? The German Vocational System and Pressures for Change' Journal: Labour and Industry. Vol: 18 Pages: 69-94

Book chapters

Gough, R. Employee Relations, 2006 ‘The Labour Market and Work Organization’, in Employee Relations Management: Australia in a Global Context. Ed(s). Julian Teicher, Peter Holland and Richard Gough. Prentice Hall, Sydney, pages 57-87

Gough, R. and Ogden, M. 2008 ‘Partnership, Bargaining and Production in ’Liberal Market’ and ‘Co-ordinated Market’ Economies’ in Varieties of Capitalism, Corporate Governance and Employees, Shelley Marshall, Richard Mitchell and Ian Ramsay (eds), Melbourne University Press, pages 39-59

Conference papers

Gough, R., Brewer, P., Toffoli, L., Willis, E. and Ogden, M. 2009 ‘Employee Attitudes to Unions in Hospitals’ 23nd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference, University of Newcastle, 6th-8th February

Gough, R., Brewer, P. & Foley, P, 2010 ‘Job Satisfaction and Work Intensity in Ten Acute Care Australian Hospitals’, 24th Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference, University of Western Sydney, Sydney 3rd-5th February

Gough, R., Brewer, P. & Foley, P, 2011 ‘New Technology and the Quality of Work of Staff in Australian Acute Care Hospitals’, 25th Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, 1st-5th February

Professional experience

Policy Analyst - South Australian Premier's Department

Personnel Officer - Public Service Board

Director of Research on Work Environment Issues - Federal Government

Editor of 'Work & People'

Senior Research Fellow, National Key Centre in Industrial Relations

Lecturer in Management - Monash University

Research interests

My research interests are in the areas of the sociology of labour markets, contemporary employment models, life transitions of employees and the welfare state, sustainable workplace change, quality of work and innovative work systems in the health sector, the future of unionism and workplace bargaining.

Teaching responsibilities


Postgraduate unit: BMO5567 Managing Workplace Conflict

Professional membership

  • Industrial Relations Society of Australia

Contact details

(03) 9919 4640